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Send tabs when enter is pressed

{ Sorry you must use the sendmessage API to do this. use the winsight32 to spy this message !. you can find in compsit.pas a new component witch send a TAB key when you press ENTER Best regards Pierre } unit compsit; //******************************************* // Classe TDBedite // avec gestion de la touche ENTREE // (c)SIT 8/5/1996 MARMET Pierre //******************************************* interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls,DBCtrls; type TDBEdite = class(TDBEdit) private Tentree: integer; varia: boolean; oldvalue: string; {memorise l'ancienne valeur du composant} function getpierre: integer; procedure setpierre (param1: integer); procedure WndProc(var Message: TMessage) ;override; { Déclarations privées } protected { Déclarations protégées } public constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; { Déclarations publiques } published //property ENTREE: Boolean read Getpierre write Setpierre default True; / property ENTERKey: integer read getpierre write setpierre default 1; property DoEnterKey: boolean read varia write varia; { Déclarations publiées } end; procedure Register; implementation procedure Register; begin RegisterComponents('Exemples', [TDBEdite]); end; Constructor TDBEdite.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin inherited Create(AOwner); // ENTERKey := 1; varia:=True; end; function TDBEdite.getpierre: integer; begin result := Tentree; end; procedure TDBEdite.setpierre(param1: integer); begin if param1 > 1 then param1:=1; Tentree:=param1; end; procedure TDBEdite.WndProc(var Message: TMessage); begin if (message.msg = WM_CHAR) then begin // La touche ENTREE provoque une tabulation sur le controle if (message.WParam = 13) and ( varia = True ) then begin sendmessage(self.Handle,WM_USER+$B900,9,$F0001); exit; end; end; inherited WndProc(Message); { répartition normale } end; end.