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Send mime multipart e Mail with indy 10

Title: Send mime multipart e-Mail with indy 10 Question: How to use TidAttachment with indy 10 and delphi2005 Answer: //This is a simple function for send e-Mail via SMTP using indy10. //Jpeg file in attach is displayed into the body of the e-Mail. //SendSMTPMail('', // '', // 'BodyPlainText', // 'BodyHtmlText', // 'ObjectText', // 'FileNameJpgWithDir', // 'FileNameForHeatherWithoutDir') function TWM1.SendSMTPMail(V_To,V_CC,V_Text,V_html,V_Subject,V_attac,V_file: String):boolean ; var idAttach: TIdAttachmentFile; htmpart, txtpart: TIdText; begin //SetUp generale try Result:=True ; try //SetUp messaging MyMessage.IsEncoded:=True ; //SetUp from variables MyMessage.CharSet:='iso-8859-1'; MyMessage.Encoding:=meMIME; MyMessage.Subject:=V_Subject ; MyMessage.From.Text:='' ; MyMessage.From.Name:='NameDescriptionMail'; MyMessage.Recipients.Clear ; MyMessage.Recipients.add.Text:=V_To ; MyMessage.CCList.Clear ; MyMessage.CCList.Add.Text:=V_CC ; MyMessage.ContentType:='multipart/related' ; MyMessage.Body.Clear ; try txtpart := TIdText.Create(MyMessage.MessageParts); txtpart.Body.Text :=V_Text; txtpart.ContentType := 'text/plain'; txtpart.ContentTransfer := '7bit'; htmpart := TIdText.Create(MyMessage.MessageParts); htmpart.Body.Text :=V_Html; htmpart.ContentType := 'text/html'; except result:=False ; exit ; end; if (trim(V_attac)'') then begin try idAttach:=TIdAttachmentFile.Create(MyMessage.MessageParts,V_attac); idAttach.ContentType := 'image/jpeg'; idAttach.ExtraHeaders.Add('Content-ID: '+V_file+''); idAttach.ExtraHeaders.Values['content-id'] := V_file ; idAttach.DisplayName:= V_file ; idAttach.ContentDisposition := 'inline'; except idAttach.CleanupInstance ; end; end except result:=False ; exit ; end; if result then try idSMTP1.Host:='' ; idSMTP1.Username:='MyUser' ; idSMTP1.Password:='MyPW' ; try idSMTP1.Connect ; idSMTP1.Send(MyMessage); Result:= True except Result:= False ; exit ; end; finally idSMTP1.Disconnect ; idSMTP1.Free ; end; finally MyMessage.Free ; end; end;