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Send a quick e mail

Title: send a quick e-mail Question: Send a quick e-mail Answer: Use IdSMTP from INDY clients IdSMTP1.QuickSend('host','topic','From','to','Text'); you can't send attatchments with this code but it works perfectly with text.... another solution than can work is: program Konsole_Mailsender; {$APPTYPE CONSOLE} uses SysUtils, IDSMTP, IDMESSAGE; var manda: TIdSMTP; messa: TIdMessage; text: TIdText; begin manda:= TIdSMTP.Create(nil); messa:= TIdMessage.Create(nil); messa.Clear; messa.ContentType:=''; text := TIdText.Create(nil); text.Body.Add('Hello... this is a test...'); messa.From.Address := ''; messa.Sender.Address:= ''; messa.Recipients.Clear; with messa.Recipients.Add do Address := '';//this is the the recipient address.. TIdAttachment.Create(messa.MessageParts,'z:\');//attatchment manda.Host := ''; manda.Port := 25; try try manda.Connect; manda.Send(messa); except on e: Exception do writeln(e.message); end; finally manda.Disconnect; end; end. I implements this in console.... I'm not sure if it works... greetings!!!!