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Whereas a Mutex may be used to allow only a single instance of your app, a Semaphore can be use to allow a specific number. Creating semaphores A Semaphore is created using the windows CreateSemaphore API command. HANDLE CreateSemaphore( LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpSemaphoreAttributes,// security attributes LONG lInitialCount, // initial count LONG lMaximumCount, // maximum count LPCTSTR lpName // pointer to semaphore-object name ); Example HSemaphore := CreateSemaphore(nil, MaximumInstances, MaximumInstances,PChar(UniqueName)); Unique name must be a Windows-wide unique identifier, I recommend that you use CompanyName.ProductName, or even a GUID (Press CTRL+SHIFT+G to generate a GUID at design time). Here is a class wrapper for a SemaPhore, create an instance of the class and use LOCK to use a reserved place and Unlock to release it. unit Semaphores; interface uses Windows, SysUtils; const cSemaphoreCannotCreate = 'Cannot create semaphore'; type ESemaphoreError = class(Exception); TSemaphore = class private HSemaphore : THandle; FLocked : Boolean; public Constructor Create(UniqueName : string; MaximumInstances : Integer); virtual; destructor Destroy; override; function Lock(aTimeoutMilliseconds : DWord) : Boolean; procedure UnLock; property Locked: Boolean read FLocked; end; implementation { TSemaphore } constructor TSemaphore.Create(UniqueName: String; MaximumInstances: Integer); begin inherited Create; FLocked := False; HSemaphore := 0; HSemaphore := CreateSemaphore(nil,MaximumInstances,MaximumInstances,PChar(UniqueName)); if HSemaphore = 0 then raise ESemaphoreError.Create(cSemaphoreCannotCreate); end; destructor TSemaphore.Destroy; begin UnLock; inherited; end; function TSemaphore.Lock(aTimeoutMilliseconds: DWord): Boolean; var Res : Integer; begin Res := WaitForSingleObject(hSemaphore, aTimeoutMilliseconds); Result := (Res in [WAIT_ABANDONED, WAIT_OBJECT_0]); if Result then FLocked := True; end; procedure TSemaphore.UnLock; begin if not Locked then exit; ReleaseSemaphore(hSemaphore,1,nil); end; end.