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Search your help file for a key word

Usually, you will search for a key word like the following: procedure HelpSearch(sHelpName,sSearchKey:string); var pc:PChar; begin Application.HelpFile:=sHelpName; pc:=StrAlloc(100); StrPCopy(pc,sSearchKey); Application.HelpCommand(HELP_PARTIALKEY, LongInt(pc)); StrDispose(pc) end; Instead, you could use following code: procedure HelpSearch(sHelpName,sSearchKey:string); var pc:array[0..99] of char; begin Application.HelpFile:=sHelpName; StrPCopy(pc,sSearchKey); Application.HelpCommand(HELP_PARTIALKEY, LongInt(@pc)) end; The important things is the low bounds of array must been 0.