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Search window list for all windows title

function FindMatchingWindows(SearchFor: string; AtBeginning: boolean; var FoundWindows: TStringList): longint; {Search window list for all Windows where the title contains or begins with (AtBeginning) SearchFor. Returns a TStringList with the title of the found windows as string and the window-Handle as Object. It is up to you to create and free the TStringList} var hWndFirst, hWndCurWin, hWndDesk: HWnd; szWinText: pChar; WinText: string; foundAt: byte; begin hWndDesk:= GetDesktopWindow; {This ist the parent of alle top-level windows} if hWndDesk <> 0 then hWndCurWin := GetWindow(hWndDesk,GW_CHILD) else {place error handling here} exit; if not assigned(FoundWindows) then {you have to create Stringlist before passing the variable to this function} exit; getMem(szWinText,256); hWndFirst:= hWndCurWin; while (hWndCurWin <> 0) do begin GetWindowText(hWndCurWin, szWinText,255); WinText:= strpas(szWinText); if SearchFor = '' then begin if WinText = '' then Wintext := format ('Fenster Nr. %d (Ohne Titel)',[hWndCurWin]); FoundWindows.addObject(WinText,TObject(hWndCurWin)) end else begin foundAt:= pos(SearchFor, WinText); if (not atBeginning and (foundAt > 0)) or (foundAt = 1) then begin FoundWindows.addObject(WinText,TObject(hWndCurWin)); end; end; hWndCurWin := GetWindow(hWndCurWin,GW_HWNDNEXT); end; freeMem(szWinText,256); result := FoundWindows.count; end;