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Scrollable label component

unit ScrolLbl; (******************************************************************** TScrollLabel Component FOR Delphi. It Is A "Special" Label-Component Developed For Allow To Scroll A Single Lined Caption Text Of A Label. For Correct Function You Should Be Switch The AutoSize Property To False After Building Your Form. Author: Endre I. Simay; Budapest, HUNGARY; 1997. Freeware: Feel Free TO Use AND Improve, But Mention The Source This Source Is Compatible With Both DELPHI 1.0 & DELPHI 3.0 *********************************************************************) interface uses SysUtils, WinTypes, WinProcs, Messages, Classes, Graphics, Controls, ExtCtrls, StdCtrls; type TScrlDir=(sdLeft,sdRight); type TScrollLabel = class(TCustomLabel) private { Private declarations } FRunned, FRunTxt:String; FTimer:TTimer; FInterval:Word; FRunning:Boolean; FTxtScroll:TScrlDir; FBigO, FMaxChar:Integer; procedure SetScrlDir(Sd:TScrlDir); function GetRunTxt:String; procedure SetRunTxt(S:String); procedure CMFontChanged(var Message: TMessage); message CM_FONTCHANGED; protected { Protected declarations } public { Public declarations } constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; destructor Destroy; override; procedure ShiftLabelText(Sender: TObject); function GetInterval:Word; procedure SetInterval(W:Word); function GetRunning:Boolean; procedure SetRunning(R:Boolean); procedure TxtRestore; published { Published declarations } property ScrollDirection: TScrlDir read FTxtScroll write SetScrlDir; property RunText: String read GetRunTxt write SetRunTxt ; property Interval: Word read GetInterval write SetInterval Default 200; property Running: Boolean read GetRunning write SetRunning Default False; property Align; property Alignment; property AutoSize; property Color; property Enabled; property Font; property ParentColor; property ParentFont; property ParentShowHint; property ShowHint; property Transparent; property Visible; property OnClick; property OnDblClick; property OnMouseDown; property OnMouseMove; property OnMouseUp; end; procedure Register; implementation constructor TScrollLabel.Create; begin Inherited Create(AOwner); Parent := TWinControl(AOwner); Caption:=FRunTxt; FTimer:=TTimer.Create(Self); FInterval:=200; FTxtScroll:=sdLeft; Alignment:=taCenter; AutoSize:=True; ParentFont:=False; Transparent:=False; WordWrap:=False; With Font do begin Color:=clBlack; Name:='Arial'; Pitch:=fpDefault; Size:=10; Style:=[fsBold]; end; FBigO:=Canvas.TextWidth('OWQTEKSZY\')div 10; If FTimer<>NIL then begin FTimer.OnTimer := ShiftLabelText; FTimer.Interval := FInterval; FTimer.Enabled :=FRunning; end; end; destructor TScrollLabel.Destroy; begin FTimer.Free; inherited Destroy; end; procedure TScrollLabel.SetScrlDir(Sd:TScrlDir); begin FTxtScroll:=Sd; end; procedure TScrollLabel.SetInterval(W:Word); begin FInterval:=W; FTimer.Interval := FInterval; end; function TScrollLabel.GetInterval:Word; begin Result:=FInterval; end; procedure TScrollLabel.SetRunning(R:Boolean); begin FRunning:=R; FTimer.Enabled:=FRunning; if not R then TxtRestore; end; function TScrollLabel.GetRunning:Boolean; begin Result:=FRunning; end; procedure TScrollLabel.SetRunTxt(S:String); begin FRunned:=S; FRunTxt:=S; Caption:=FRunTxt; end; function TScrollLabel.GetRunTxt:String; begin Result:=FRunTxt; end; procedure TScrollLabel.ShiftLabelText(Sender: TObject) ; var TxtL:integer; Pc:PChar; begin FBigO:=Canvas.TextWidth('OWQTEKSZY\')div 10; FMaxChar:=Width div FBigO; TxtL:=Length(FRunned); Case FTxtScroll of sdLeft: begin FRunned:=FRunned+FRunned[1]+#0; Pc:=@FRunned[2]; FRunned:=StrPas(Pc); end; sdRight: begin FRunned:=FRunned[TxtL]+FRunned; {$IFDEF WIN32} SetLength (FRunned,TxtL); {$ELSE} FRunned[0]:=Chr(TxtL); {$ENDIF} end; end; {Set the textlength to scrolling region of label} if (TxtL*FBigO) > (FMaxChar * FBigO) then Caption:=Copy(FRunned,1,FMaxChar-1) else Caption:=FRunned; end; procedure TScrollLabel.TxtRestore; begin FRunned:=FRunTxt; Caption:=FRunned; end; {This allows font changes to be detected so the label might be adjusted} procedure TScrollLabel.CMFontChanged(var Message: TMessage); begin inherited; FBigO:=Canvas.TextWidth('OWQTEKSZY\')div 10; end; procedure Register; begin RegisterComponents('MyComps', [TScrollLabel]); end; end.