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> Does anyone know how to get a bitmap of the current screen contents > within a Delphi Program.. var bm : TBitMap; begin bm := TBitMap.Create; bm := MainForm.GetFormImage; // do here whatever you want bm.Free; end; Hope it helps Robert ************************************************************************************ Hi Steven, > Does anyone know how to get a bitmap of the current screen contents > within a Delphi Program. You can copy the current screen to the clipboard (or assign it to a bitmap component). The former can be implemented as follows: procedure ScreenShot; var ScreenDC: HDC; ScreenHandle: HWnd; ScreenBitmap: TBitmap; begin ScreenHandle := GetDeskTopWindow; ScreenDC := GetDC(ScreenHandle); try ScreenBitmap := TBitMap.Create; try ScreenBitmap.Width := Screen.Width; ScreenBitmap.Height := Screen.Height; BitBlt(ScreenBitmap.Canvas.Handle, 0, 0, Screen.Width, Screen.Height, ScreenDC, 0, 0, SRCCOPY); Clipboard.Assign(ScreenBitmap) finally ScreenBitmap.Free end finally ReleaseDC(ScreenHandle, ScreenDC) end end {ScreenShot}; An complete article about this solution can be seen on my website at > Steven Coombs Groetjes, Bob Swart (aka Dr.Bob - -- drs. Robert E. (Bob) Swart, @-Consultant, Delphi Trainer & Author Delphi OplossingsCentrum (DOC) & UK-BUG Borland User Group member