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Scalling controls according to choosed font

Title: Scalling controls according to choosed font Question: Probably you want that your form could be scalled according to some parameters, like for example, if you have an option in your application that gives the user a chance to change application font, you need that your application could scale correctly. Answer: To do this you must use a function ScaleBy (in fact a very usefull function, and you'll find more articles here at D3k about this function) to resize your form correctly. procedure TForm1.Button3Click(Sender: TObject); begin FontDialog1.Font := Font; if FontDialog1.Execute then begin // ScaleBy doesn't resize the form, just children controls. So, we must resize // the form. SetBounds(Left, Top, Muldiv(Width, Abs(FontDialog1.Font.Height), Abs(Font.Height)), Muldiv(Height, Abs(FontDialog1.Font.Height), Abs(Font.Height))); // Resize accordin to the new values. ScaleBy(Abs(FontDialog1.Font.Height), Abs(Font.Height)); // Assign the choosen font to the form Font := FontDialog1.Font; end; end;