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Sayiyi turkce olarak yazan kod [159 = yuzellidokuz vb ]

{ Uzun zaman once musteri takip programi icin yazdigim kod. Guvenle kullanabilirsiniz. Katirilyona kadar olan sayilari destekler. } const BIRLER: array[0..9] of string=('', 'Bir', 'Iki', 'Üc', 'Dört', 'Bes', 'Alti', 'Yedi', 'Sekiz', 'Dokuz'); ONLAR : array[0..9] of string=('', 'On', 'Yirmi', 'Otuz', 'Kirk', 'Elli', 'Altmis', 'Yetmis', 'Seksen', 'Doksan'); DIGER : array[0..5] of string=('', 'Bin', 'Milyon', 'Milyar', 'Trilyon', 'Katrilyon'); function SmallNum(N: Integer): string; var S: string[3]; begin Result := ''; S := IntToStr(N); if (Length(S)=1) then S := '00' + S else if (Length(S)=2) then S := '0' + S; if S[1]<>'0' then if S[1]<>'1' then Result := BIRLER[StrToInt(S[1])] + 'Yüz' else Result := 'Yüz'; Result := Result + ONLAR[StrToInt(S[2])]; Result := Result + BIRLER[StrToInt(S[3])]; end; function NumStr(Num: Currency): string; var i, j, n, Nm: Integer; S, Sn: string; begin S := FormatFloat('0', Num); Sn := ''; if Num = 0 then Sn := 'Sifir' else if Length(S) < 4 then Sn := SmallNum(Round(Num)) else begin I := 1; J := Length(S) mod 3; if J=0 then begin J := 3; N := Length(S) div 3 - 1; end else N := Length(S) div 3; while i<Length(S) do begin Nm := StrToInt(Copy(S, I, J)); if (Nm=1) and (N=1) then begin Nm := 0; Sn := Sn + SmallNum(Nm) + Diger[N]; end; if Nm<>0 then Sn := Sn + SmallNum(Nm) + Diger[N]; I := I + J; J := 3; N := N - 1; end; end; Result := Sn; end; // Kullanimi: procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin Label1.Caption := NumStr(StrToCurr(Edit1.Text)); end;