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Saving richedit as tblobstream

From: Mike Bardill <> Saving a TRichEdit to a file and storing the file is a perfectly good way of saving the data to the table, but the same can be achieved without an intermediate file by using a TBlobStream. The example below is for reading a TRichEdit from a table, but a similar approach 'in reverse' with a bmWrite will save into the table. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure ReadRichEditFromTable(Table : TTable; var RichEdit : TRichEdit); var BlobStream : TBlobStream; begin try BlobStream := TBlobStream.Create(Table.FieldByName('BODY') as TBlobField, bmRead); if (not Table.FieldByName('BLOBFieldName').IsNull) then begin RichEdit.Lines.LoadFromStream (BlobStream); end; finally BlobStream.Free; end; end;