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Save total font setting in registry

Font & Tregistry From: (Ray Lischner) On 28 Mar 1997 05:57:38 GMT, "Alex" wrote: does anybody know a way to save a total Font setting of a form/panel/listbox etc. etc. to the registry, it's not so dificult doing it line by line, but with the FontStyle it becomes a lot of lines, so is there and easy/shorter way ? Secrets of Delphi 2 has some code that recursively saves any object's published properties to the registry. The example specifically shows how it works for TFont. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- uses TypInfo; { Define a set type for accessing an integer's bits. } const BitsPerByte = 8; type TIntegerSet = set of 0..SizeOf(Integer)*BitsPerByte - 1; { Save a set property as a subkey. Each element of the enumerated type is a separate Boolean value. True means the item is in the set, and False means the item is excluded from the set. This lets the user modify the configuration easily, with REGEDIT. } procedure SaveSetToRegistry(const Name: string; Value: Integer; TypeInfo: PTypeInfo; Reg: TRegistry); var OldKey: string; I: Integer; begin TypeInfo := GetTypeData(TypeInfo)^.CompType; OldKey := '\' + Reg.CurrentPath; if not Reg.OpenKey(Name, True) then raise ERegistryException.CreateFmt('Cannot create key: %s', [Name]); { Loop over all the items in the enumerated type. } with GetTypeData(TypeInfo)^ do for I := MinValue to MaxValue do { Write a Boolean value for each set element. } Reg.WriteBool(GetEnumName(TypeInfo, I), I in TIntegerSet(Value)); { Return to the parent key. } Reg.OpenKey(OldKey, False); end; { Save an object to the registry by saving it as a subkey. } procedure SaveObjToRegistry(const Name: string; Obj: TPersistent; Reg: TRegistry); var OldKey: string; begin OldKey := '\' + Reg.CurrentPath; { Open a subkey for the object. } if not Reg.OpenKey(Name, True) then raise ERegistryException.CreateFmt('Cannot create key: %s', [Name]); { Save the object's properties. } SaveToRegistry(Obj, Reg); { Return to the parent key. } Reg.OpenKey(OldKey, False); end; { Save a method to the registry by saving its name. } procedure SaveMethodToRegistry(const Name: string; const Method: TMethod; Reg: TRegistry); var MethodName: string; begin { If the method pointer is nil, then store an empty string. } if Method.Code = nil then MethodName := '' else { Look up the method name. } MethodName := TObject(Method.Data).MethodName(Method.Code); Reg.WriteString(Name, MethodName); end; { Save a single property to the registry, as a value of the current key. } procedure SavePropToRegistry(Obj: TPersistent; PropInfo: PPropInfo; Reg: TRegistry); begin with PropInfo^ do case PropType^.Kind of tkInteger, tkChar, tkWChar: { Store ordinal properties as integer. } Reg.WriteInteger(Name, GetOrdProp(Obj, PropInfo)); tkEnumeration: { Store enumerated values by name. } Reg.WriteString(Name, GetEnumName(PropType, GetOrdProp(Obj, PropInfo))); tkFloat: { Store floating point values as Doubles. } Reg.WriteFloat(Name, GetFloatProp(Obj, PropInfo)); tkString, tkLString: { Store strings as strings. } Reg.WriteString(Name, GetStrProp(Obj, PropInfo)); tkVariant: { Store variant values as strings. } Reg.WriteString(Name, GetVariantProp(Obj, PropInfo)); tkSet: { Store a set as a subkey. } SaveSetToRegistry(Name, GetOrdProp(Obj, PropInfo), PropType, Reg); tkClass: { Store a class as a subkey, with its properties as values of the subkey. } SaveObjToRegistry(Name, TPersistent(GetOrdProp(Obj, PropInfo)), Reg); tkMethod: { Save a method by name. } SaveMethodToRegistry(Name, GetMethodProp(Obj, PropInfo), Reg); end; end; { Save an object to the registry by storing its published properties. } procedure SaveToRegistry(Obj: TPersistent; Reg: TRegistry); var PropList: PPropList; PropCount: Integer; I: Integer; begin { Get the list of published properties. } PropCount := GetTypeData(Obj.ClassInfo)^.PropCount; GetMem(PropList, PropCount*SizeOf(PPropInfo)); try GetPropInfos(Obj.ClassInfo, PropList); { Store each property as a value of the current key. } for I := 0 to PropCount-1 do SavePropToRegistry(Obj, PropList^[I], Reg); finally FreeMem(PropList, PropCount*SizeOf(PPropInfo)); end; end; { Save the published properties as values of the given key. The key is relative to HKEY_CURRENT_USER. } procedure SaveToKey(Obj: TPersistent; const KeyPath: string); var Reg: TRegistry; begin Reg := TRegistry.Create; try if not Reg.OpenKey(KeyPath, True) then raise ERegistryException.CreateFmt('Cannot create key: %s', [KeyPath]); SaveToRegistry(Obj, Reg); finally Reg.Free; end; end;