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Save a font to the registry-a stream

type FontRec = packed record Color: TColor; LogFont: TLogFont; end; // Save a font to the registry // Eine Schrift in die Registry speichern procedure SaveFontToReg(reg: TRegistry; const key, id: string; Font: TFont); var fRec: FontRec; begin if Windows.GetObject(Font.Handle, SizeOf(fRec.LogFont), @fRec.LogFont) > 0 then begin if reg.OpenKey(key, True) then try fRec.Color := Font.Color; reg.WriteBinaryData(id, fRec, SizeOf(fRec)); finally reg.CloseKey; end; end; end; // Load a font from the registry // Eine Schrift von der Registry laden procedure LoadFont(reg: TRegistry; const key, id: string; Font: TFont); var fRec: FontRec; begin if reg.OpenKey(key, False) then try if reg.ReadBinaryData(id, frec, SizeOf(fRec)) = SizeOf(fRec) then Font.Handle := CreateFontIndirect(fRec.LogFont); Font.Color := fRec.Color; finally reg.CloseKey; end; end; // Save a font to a stream // Eine Schrift in einen Stream speichern procedure WriteFontToStream(s: TStream; Font: TFont); var fRec: FontRec; sz: integer; begin sz := SizeOf(fRec.LogFont); if Windows.GetObject(Font.Handle, sz, @fRec.LogFont) > 0 then begin s.Write(sz, SizeOf(Integer)); fRec.Color := Font.Color; s.Write(fRec, SizeOf(fRec)); end else begin sz := 0; s.Write(sz, SizeOf(Integer)); end; end; // Read a font from a stream // Eine Schrift von einem Stream laden procedure ReadFont(s: TStream; Font: TFont); var fRec: FontRec; sz: integer; begin, SizeOf(Integer)); if sz = SizeOf(fRec.LogFont) then begin, SizeOf(fRec)); Font.Handle := CreateFontIndirect(fRec.LogFont); Font.Color := fRec.Color; end; end;