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Safety Design with a Static Instance

Title: Safety Design with a Static Instance Question: The Singelton Pattern is widely used, on the other side OP lacks of statics, means one instance for all classes. No problem with the following design which acts like a time-server. Answer: Sometimes operations are performed on a class itself, rather than on instances of a class (that is, objects). This happens, for example, when you call a constructor method using a class reference. TTimeKeeper = class; TTimeKeeperClass = class of TTimeKeeper; You can always refer to a specific class using its name, but at times it is necessary to declare variables or parameters that take classes as values, and in these situations you need class-reference types. In our case we need a class-method and a global function too to get the one and only instance: class function Instance: TTimeKeeper; function TimeKeeper: TTimeKeeper; //global function When this function is called, a safety instance is returned: function TimeKeeper: TTimeKeeper; begin Result := TTimeKeeper.Instance; end; A class method is a method (other than a constructor) that operates on classes instead of objects. The definition of a class method must begin with the reserved word class. A class method can be called through a class reference or an object reference. So the client calls the class method first: procedure TMainDlg.NewBtnClick(Sender: TObject); var myTimer: TTimeKeeper; begin myTimer:=TimeKeeper; StatusBar.Panels[0].Text:=timeToStr(; end; And the class method returns the protected and local instance: class function TTimeKeeper.Instance: TTimeKeeper; // Single Instance function - create when first needed begin Assert(Assigned(TimeKeeperClass)); if not Assigned(TimeKeeperInstance) then TimeKeeperInstance := TimeKeeperClass.SingletonCreate; Result := TimeKeeperInstance; end; ****************************************************************************************** unit SafetyTimeKeeper; interface uses SysUtils; type ESingleton = class(Exception); TInvalidateDestroy = class(TObject) protected class procedure SingletonError; public destructor Destroy; override; end; TTimeKeeper = class; TTimeKeeperClass = class of TTimeKeeper; TTimeKeeper = class(TInvalidateDestroy) private class procedure Shutdown; function GetTime: TDateTime; function GetDate: TDateTime; function GetNow: TDateTime; protected // Allow descendents to set a new class for the instance: class procedure SetTimeKeeperClass(aTimeKeeperClass: TTimeKeeperClass); // Actual constructor and destructor that will be used: constructor SingletonCreate; virtual; destructor SingletonDestroy; virtual; public // Not for use - for obstruction only: class procedure Create; class procedure Free(Dummy: integer); {$IFNDEF VER120} {$WARNINGS OFF} {$ENDIF} // This generates warning in D3. D4 has reintroduce keyword to solve this class procedure Destroy(Dummy: integer); {$IFDEF VER120} reintroduce; {$ENDIF} // Simple interface: class function Instance: TTimeKeeper; property Time: TDateTime read GetTime; property Date: TDateTime read GetDate; property Now: TDateTime read GetNow; end; {$IFNDEF VER120} {$WARNINGS ON} {$ENDIF} function TimeKeeper: TTimeKeeper; implementation class procedure TInvalidateDestroy.SingletonError; // Raise an exception in case of illegal use begin raise ESingleton.CreateFmt('Illegal use of %s singleton instance!', [ClassName]); end; destructor TInvalidateDestroy.Destroy; // Protected against use of default destructor begin SingletonError; end; { TTimeKeeper } var TimeKeeperInstance: TTimeKeeper = nil; TimeKeeperClass: TTimeKeeperClass = TTimeKeeper; class procedure TTimeKeeper.SetTimeKeeperClass(aTimeKeeperClass: TTimeKeeperClass); // Allow change of instance class begin Assert(Assigned(aTimeKeeperClass)); if Assigned(TimeKeeperInstance) then SingletonError; TimeKeeperClass := aTimeKeeperClass; end; class function TTimeKeeper.Instance: TTimeKeeper; // Single Instance function - create when first needed begin Assert(Assigned(TimeKeeperClass)); if not Assigned(TimeKeeperInstance) then TimeKeeperInstance := TimeKeeperClass.SingletonCreate; Result := TimeKeeperInstance; end; class procedure TTimeKeeper.Shutdown; // Time to close down the show begin if Assigned(TimeKeeperInstance) then begin TimeKeeperInstance.SingletonDestroy; TimeKeeperInstance := nil; end; end; constructor TTimeKeeper.SingletonCreate; // Protected constructor begin inherited Create; end; destructor TTimeKeeper.SingletonDestroy; // Protected destructor begin // We cannot call inherited Destroy; here! // It would raise an ESingleton exception end; // Protected against use of default constructor class procedure TTimeKeeper.Create; begin SingletonError; end; // Protected against use of Free class procedure TTimeKeeper.Free(Dummy: integer); begin SingletonError; end; class procedure TTimeKeeper.Destroy(Dummy: integer); begin SingletonError; end; // Property access methods function TTimeKeeper.GetDate: TDateTime; begin Result := SysUtils.Date; end; function TTimeKeeper.GetNow: TDateTime; begin Result := SysUtils.Now; end; function TTimeKeeper.GetTime: TDateTime; begin Result := SysUtils.Time; end; // Simplified functional interface function TimeKeeper: TTimeKeeper; begin Result := TTimeKeeper.Instance; end; initialization finalization // Destroy when application closes TTimeKeeper.Shutdown; end.