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Run your application on startup programatically

Sometimes you may need to have an application run once (or every time) on Windows startup time. The following code contains the function OnStartup which shows to do this with the means of the operating system. Use OnStartup e.g. like this: OnStartup('any title does not matter', 'c:\temp\runthis.exe', true);to run your application "runthis.exe" exactly one time. Procedure OnStartup (const PgmTitle, CmdLine: String; RunOnce: boolean); Var Key : String; Reg : TRegIniFile; Begin If RunOnce Then Key := 'Once' #0 Else Key := #0; Reg := TRegIniFile.create (''); Reg.RootKey := HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE; Reg.WriteString ('Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run' + Key, ProgTitle, CmdLine); Reg.Free End;