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Run a command with higher privileges

Title: Run a command with higher privileges Question: How can I run a command as an Administrator when I have a user profile? Answer: This component was tested on Delphi 7 only. This component are very usefull when you have to execute something as an administrator in a user profile environment. A couple days ago, I was tested an application in a hospital were the security on the network was very high. Everytime a user started my application, the application had to register an OCX. The user had a USER PROFILE but to register an OCX you should have to be an administrator. The following component bypass the actual user profile to execute his command. unit RVRunAs; interface uses SysUtils, Classes, Types, //Not necessary with D5 Windows; type //Create an error event if the command fail TOnErrorEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; ErrorMessage: string) of object; //To add a BeforeExecute and AfterExecute events TExecuteEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject) of object; TRVRunAs = class(TComponent) private FUserName: string; FPassword: string; FDomain: string; FCommand: string; FOnError: TOnErrorEvent; FBeforeExecute: TExecuteEvent; FAfterExecute: TExecuteEvent; protected { Protected declarations } public procedure Execute; published property OnError: TOnErrorEvent read FOnError write FOnError; property BeforeExecute: TExecuteEvent read FBeforeExecute write FBeforeExecute; property AfterExecute: TExecuteEvent read FAfterExecute write FAfterExecute; property UserName: string read FUserName write FUserName; property Password: string read FPassword write FPassword; property Domain: string read FDomain write FDomain; property Command: string read FCommand write FCommand; end; //API function reference function CreateProcessWithLogonW( lpUsername, lpDomain, lpPassword:PWideChar; dwLogonFlags:dword; lpApplicationName: PWideChar; lpCommandLine: PWideChar; dwCreationFlags: DWORD; lpEnvironment: Pointer; lpCurrentDirectory: PWideChar; const lpStartupInfo: tSTARTUPINFO; var lpProcessInformation: TProcessInformation ): BOOL; stdcall; external 'advapi32.dll' procedure Register; implementation procedure Register; begin RegisterComponents('MyPalette', [TRVRunAs]); end; { TRVRunAs } procedure TRVRunAs.Execute; var StartupInfo: TStartupInfo; ProcessInfo: TProcessInformation; wDomain : PWideChar; wUsername : PWideChar; wPassword : PWideChar; wCommand : PWideChar; //Convert an integer error message to string function WinErrorAsString(WinError: integer): string; var A: array[0..MAX_PATH] of char; begin FillChar(A, SizeOf(A), #0); FormatMessage(FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM, nil, WinError, LANG_SYSTEM_DEFAULT, @A, MAX_PATH, nil); Result := string(A); end; begin if Assigned(FBeforeExecute) then FBeforeExecute(Self); if Trim(FCommand) '' then begin //Setup some flags to execute dos commands in hide mode FillChar(StartupInfo, SizeOf(StartupInfo), #0); StartupInfo.cb := SizeOf(StartupInfo); StartupInfo.dwFlags := STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW; StartupInfo.wShowWindow := SW_HIDE; //Allocate necessary memory for the fourth main properties GetMem(wDomain,Length(FDomain) * SizeOf(WideChar) + SizeOf(WideChar)); GetMem(wUsername,Length(FUsername) * SizeOf(WideChar) + SizeOf(WideChar)); GetMem(wPassword,Length(FPassword) * SizeOf(WideChar) + SizeOf(WideChar)); GetMem(wCommand,Length(FCommand) * SizeOf(WideChar) + SizeOf(WideChar)); //Convert the fourth main properties to WideString data type StringToWideChar(FDomain,wDomain,Length(FDomain) * SizeOf(WideChar) + SizeOf(WideChar)); StringToWideChar(FUsername,wUsername,Length(FUsername) * SizeOf(WideChar) + SizeOf(WideChar)); StringToWideChar(FPassword,wPassword,Length(FPassword) * SizeOf(WideChar) + SizeOf(WideChar)); StringToWideChar(FCommand,wCommand,Length(FCommand) * SizeOf(WideChar) + SizeOf(WideChar)); //Call the command as a different user/password/domain if not CreateProcessWithLogonW(wUsername,wDomain,wPassword,0,nil,wCommand,0,nil,nil,StartupInfo,ProcessInfo) then begin //If failed, raise an error if Assigned(FOnError) then FOnError(Self,WinErrorAsString(GetLastError)) else RaiseLastOSError; //RaiseLastWin32Error with D5 end; //Wait for the command to end WaitForSingleObject(ProcessInfo.hProcess,INFINITE); //UnAllocate necessary memory FreeMem(wDomain); FreeMem(wUsername); FreeMem(wPassword); FreeMem(wCommand); end; if Assigned(FAfterExecute) then FAfterExecute(Self); end; end.