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RULER TWO COMPLETE UNIT FOLLOWS but SEE 'RULERS' DIRECTORY not far from here FOR COMPLETE SOURCE INCLUDING THE FORMS ETC Richard Ebbs Feb 2000 ---------------- unit Source; {Small Program To Demonstrate The Implementation Of A Graphics Ruler. Richard Ebbs for Honeywood February 2000. To be integrated into the Fox project} interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, ExtCtrls, StdCtrls; const rulerWidth = 20; rulerHeight = 20; type TMainForm = class(TForm) DrawArea: TImage; TopRulerImage: TImage; SideRulerImage: TImage; procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); procedure SetupTopRuler(thisCanvas: TCanvas; cWidth, cHeight: Integer); procedure SetupSideRuler(thisCanvas: TCanvas; cWidth, cHeight: Integer); procedure FillImageComponent(thisCanvas: TCanvas; cWidth, cHeight: Integer); procedure DrawAreaMouseMove(Sender: TObject; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); procedure DrawRulerCursors(CanvasOne, CanvasTwo: TCanvas; currMouseX, currMouseY: Integer); procedure WriteCoordinateText(thisCanvas: TCanvas; xCoord, yCoord: Integer); private {private declarations} HalfSliderWidth: Integer; currentScale: Integer; currMouseX: Integer; currMouseY: Integer; public {public declarations} end; var MainForm: TMainForm; implementation {$R *.DFM} procedure TMainForm.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin currentScale := 50; SetupTopRuler(TopRulerImage.Canvas, TopRulerImage.Width, TopRulerImage.Height); SetupSideRuler(SideRulerImage.Canvas, SideRulerImage.Width, SideRulerImage.Height); end; procedure TMainForm.SetupTopRuler(thisCanvas: TCanvas; cWidth, cHeight: Integer); var i, j, k: Integer; xText: String; begin FillImageComponent(thisCanvas, cWidth, cHeight); with thisCanvas do begin Pen.Color := clBlack; Pen.Style := psSolid; Pen.Width := 1; Pen.Mode := pmBlack; Font.Name := 'Arial'; Font.Size := 7; end; i := rulerWidth; while (i <= cWidth) do begin with thisCanvas do begin MoveTo(i, cHeight); LineTo(i, 0); j := 0; while (j < currentScale) do begin k := i + j; MoveTo(k, cHeight); LineTo(k, (cHeight div 2)); j := (j + (currentScale div 5)); end; xText := IntToStr(i - rulerWidth); TextOut((i + 2), 1, xText); end; i := (i + currentScale); end; with thisCanvas do begin {put a shadow line across the bottom of the ruler...} Pen.Color := clBlack; Pen.Width := 1; MoveTo(rulerWidth, (cHeight - 1)); LineTo(cWidth, (cHeight - 1)); end; end; procedure TMainForm.SetupSideRuler(thisCanvas: TCanvas; cWidth, cHeight: Integer); var i, j, k: Integer; xText: String; begin FillImageComponent(thisCanvas, cWidth, cHeight); with thisCanvas do begin Pen.Color := clBlack; Pen.Style := psSolid; Pen.Width := 1; Pen.Mode := pmBlack; Font.Name := 'Arial'; Font.Size := 7; end; i := 0; while (i <= cHeight) do begin with thisCanvas do begin MoveTo(cWidth, i); LineTo(0, i); j := 0; while (j < currentScale) do begin k := i + j; MoveTo(cWidth, k); LineTo((cWidth div 2), k); j := (j + (currentScale div 5)); end; xText := IntToStr(i); TextOut(1, (i + 1), xText); end; i := (i + currentScale); end; with thisCanvas do begin {put a shadow line down the right edge of the ruler...} Pen.Color := clBlack; Pen.Width := 1; MoveTo((cWidth - 1), 0); LineTo((cWidth - 1), cHeight); end; end; procedure TMainForm.FillImageComponent(thisCanvas: TCanvas; cWidth, cHeight: Integer); {set up the drawing area to be white not grey...} var imageRect: TRect; begin with thisCanvas do begin Brush.Color := clBtnFace; imageRect.Left := 0; imageRect.Top := 0; imageRect.Right := cWidth; imageRect.Bottom := cHeight; FillRect(imageRect); end; end; procedure TMainForm.DrawAreaMouseMove(Sender: TObject; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); begin {re-draw the rulers prior to each call to the function to draw the cursorline} SetupTopRuler(TopRulerImage.Canvas, TopRulerImage.Width, TopRulerImage.Height); SetupSideRuler(SideRulerImage.Canvas, SideRulerImage.Width, SideRulerImage.Height); {draw the cursors on both the 'top' and the 'side' ruler...} DrawRulerCursors(TopRulerImage.Canvas, SideRulerImage.Canvas, X, Y); {write out the current X,Y coordinate in the wee space on the top left...} WriteCoordinateText(TopRulerImage.Canvas, X, Y); end; procedure TMainForm.DrawRulerCursors(CanvasOne, CanvasTwo: TCanvas; currMouseX, currMouseY: Integer); {need to add SideRulerImage.Canvas as a paramateer above and handle that also} begin with CanvasOne do begin Pen.Color := clBlue; Pen.Width := 1; //Pen.Mode := pmBlack; //Pen.Mode := pmWhite; //Pen.Mode := pmNop; //Pen.Mode := pmNot; //Pen.Mode := pmCopy; done //Pen.Mode := pmNotCopy; done //Pen.Mode := pmMergePenNot; //Pen.Mode := pmMaskPenNot; //Pen.Mode := pmMergeNotPen; //Pen.Mode := pmMaskNotPen; //Pen.Mode := pmMerge; //Pen.Mode := pmNotMerge; //Pen.Mode := pmMask; //Pen.Mode := pmNotMask; //Pen.Mode := pmXor; done {OK it's none of THEM -it must be[!]:} Pen.Mode := pmNotXor; {cookin' on gas, man...} MoveTo((currMouseX + rulerWidth), (Height)); LineTo((currMouseX + rulerWidth), 0); end; with CanvasTwo do begin Pen.Color := clBlue; Pen.Width := 1; Pen.Mode := pmNotXor; MoveTo(Width, currMouseY); LineTo(0, currMouseY); end; end; procedure TMainForm.WriteCoordinateText(thisCanvas: TCanvas; xCoord, yCoord: Integer); var xText: String; yText: String; begin with thisCanvas do begin Pen.Color := clRed; //Pen.Style := psSolid; //Pen.Width := 1; //Pen.Mode := pmBlack; Font.Name := 'Arial'; Font.Size := 7; xText := IntToStr(xCoord); xText := xText + ','; TextOut(0, 0, xText); yText := IntToStr(yCoord); TextOut(0, 10, yText); end; end; end.