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'FLOOR PLAN' CODE FORRUBBER-BANDING... as you can see, you need three (or two, if you rewrite this code to be more elegant) variables that are global to the form/image component where the rubber-banding is going on, and then all rubber-banding ops happen in MouseDown(), MouseMove(), and MouseUp(). Richard E [type] TLineRecord = record startPt: TPoint; endPt: TPoint; end; [global main form vars] origin: TPoint; movePt: TPoint; tempLine: TLineRecord; procedure TMainForm.DrawAreaMouseDown(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); var nearestGridVertex: TPoint; begin DrawArea.Canvas.Pen.Width := scrPrefs.lineThickness; if (drawMode = dmLineDrawing) then begin nearestGridVertex := GetNearestGridVertex(X, Y); Origin.x := nearestGridVertex.x; Origin.y := nearestGridVertex.y; MovePt := Origin; DrawArea.Canvas.MoveTo(Origin.X, Origin.Y); tempLine.startPt.X := Origin.X; tempLine.startPt.Y := Origin.Y; end; procedure TMainForm.DrawAreaMouseMove(Sender: TObject; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); begin DrawArea.Canvas.Pen.Width := scrPrefs.lineThickness; if (drawMode = dmLineDrawing) then begin {check that the left mouse button is being held down...} if (ssLeft in Shift) then begin //this use of 'MovePt' and Origin is a standard way of rubber-banding //lines -there are better ways but this is fairly easy to understand... with DrawArea.Canvas do begin Pen.Color := clBlack; Pen.Width := scrPrefs.lineThickness; //next line avoids an unsightly effect whereby //a line might appear too wide while being drawn Pen.Mode := pmNotXor; MoveTo(Origin.X, Origin.Y); LineTo(MovePt.X, MovePt.Y); MoveTo(Origin.X, Origin.Y); LineTo(X,Y); end; MovePt:= Point(X,Y); DrawArea.Canvas.Pen.Mode := pmBlack; end; end; end; procedure TMainForm.DrawAreaMouseUp(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); var nearestGridVertex: TPoint; begin DrawArea.Canvas.Pen.Width := scrPrefs.lineThickness; if (drawMode = dmLineDrawing) then begin nearestGridVertex := GetNearestGridVertex(X, Y); DrawArea.Canvas.MoveTo(Origin.X, Origin.Y); DrawArea.Canvas.LineTo(nearestGridVertex.x, nearestGridVertex.y); tempLine.endPt.x := nearestGridVertex.x; tempLine.endPt.y := nearestGridVertex.y; if ((tempLine.startPt.x = 0) and (tempLine.startPt.y = 0) and (tempLine.endPt.x = 0) and (tempLine.endPt.y = 0)) then begin //do nothing end else AddLineToObjectList(tempLine); {reinitialise the global templine variable used to track line coordinates between procedures as they 'happen'...} tempLine.startPt.x := 0; tempLine.startPt.y := 0; tempLine.endPt.x := 0; tempLine.endPt.y := 0; Inc(ptIndex); end; ReDrawAll(DrawArea.Canvas, DrawArea.Width, DrawArea.Height); end;