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Rtf plain text

{ > I use a RichEdit in one of my apps with plaintext set to false, since > I do some color coding. Now, when I copy RTF text from e.g. Word and > paste it into my app, the size and font is also pasted, but I just > want the text without RTF information. <snip> > What would be the proper way to paste just the plaintext of RTF text > in the clipboard into the RichEdit? Proper? I don't know about its propriety, but the following routine works. Please note that this doesn't override the rich edit control's standard paste function, so sending it a WM_PASTE message, (by pressing Ctrl-V, perhaps) will still paste formatted text. } procedure PasteTextOnly(dest: TRichEdit); var MyHandle: THandle; TextPtr: PChar; begin ClipBoard.Open; Try MyHandle := Clipboard.GetAsHandle(CF_TEXT); TextPtr := GlobalLock(MyHandle); try dest.SetSelTextBuf(TextPtr); finally GlobalUnlock(MyHandle); end; finally Clipboard.Close; end; end;