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Rotated text on bitmaps

Hey Gary, I got this from Loyd's Help files... -------------------------------------------------- unit Rotate; {*********************************************************** PROGRAM UNIT ROTATE.PAS PURPOSE To contain the text rotation routines. All documentation for the routines are within the routines. HISTORY 6/18/1995 First created by Curtis Keisler COPYRIGHT & DISCLAIMER See ANGLE.DPR for copyright and disclaimer notice. ***********************************************************} interface uses SysUtils, WinTypes, WinProcs, Messages, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, ExtCtrls; type TForm1 = class(TForm) PaintBox1: TPaintBox; procedure PaintBox1Paint(Sender: TObject); private { Private declarations } public { Public declarations } end; var Form1: TForm1; implementation {$R *.DFM} {**********************************************************} procedure CanvasSetTextAngle(c: TCanvas; d: Word); {----------------------------------------------------------- PURPOSE To change the current text output rotation angle. All subsequent output will be at the angle provided. INPUT PARAMETERS c - The canvas on which to output the text. The font for the canvas must be a scaleable font. d - The angle in tenths of degrees. For example 10 would be 1 degree. 450 would be 45 degrees. 1 would be 1/10 of a degree. To reset the text back to normal, make d = 0. HISTORY 6/18/1995 First version written by Curtis Keisler. -----------------------------------------------------------} var LogRec: TLOGFONT; {* Storage area for font information *} begin {* Get the current font information. We only want to modify the angle *} GetObject(c.Font.Handle,SizeOf(LogRec),Addr(LogRec)); {* Modify the angle. "The angle, in tenths of a degrees, between the base line of a character and the x-axis." (Windows API Help file.)*} LogRec.lfEscapement := d; {* Delphi will handle the deallocation of the old font handle and *} c.Font.Handle := CreateFontIndirect(LogRec); end; {* CanvasSetTextAngle *} {**********************************************************} procedure CanvasTextOutAngle(c: TCanvas; x,y: Integer; d: Word; s: string); {----------------------------------------------------------- PURPOSE To output rotated text in the same font as the font on the supplied canvas. The font must also be a scaleable font. INPUT PARAMETERS c - The canvas on which to output the text. The font for the canvas must be a scaleable font. x,y - The x,y screen coordinates you would normally supply the TextOut procedure. d - The angle in tenths of degrees. For example 10 would be 1 degree. 450 would be 45 degrees. 1 would be 1/10 of a degree. s - The text to be output to the canvas. HISTORY 6/18/1995 First version written by Curtis Keisler. -----------------------------------------------------------} var LogRec: TLOGFONT; {* Storage area for font information *} OldFontHandle, {* The old font handle *} NewFontHandle: HFONT; {* Temporary font handle *} begin {* Get the current font information. We only want to modify the angle *} GetObject(c.Font.Handle, SizeOf(LogRec), Addr(LogRec)); {* Modify the angle. "The angle, in tenths of a degrees, between the base line of a character and the x-axis." (Windows API Help file.)*} LogRec.lfEscapement := d; {* Create a new font handle using the modified old font handle *} NewFontHandle := CreateFontIndirect(LogRec); {* Save the old font handle! We have to put it back when we are done! *} OldFontHandle := SelectObject(c.Handle,NewFontHandle); {* Finally. Output the text! *} c.TextOut(x,y,s); {* Put the font back the way we found it! *} NewFontHandle := SelectObject(c.Handle,OldFontHandle); {* Delete the temporary (NewFontHandle) that we created *} DeleteObject(NewFontHandle); end; {* CanvasTextOutAngle *} procedure TForm1.PaintBox1Paint(Sender: TObject); var degree,i, {* Iteration variables *} midX,midY: integer; {* The middle of the form *} deg2Rad: Real; {* Used to convert the degrees to radians *} begin {* Used to convert the degrees to radians *} deg2Rad := PI / 180; {* Choose a scalable font! *} PaintBox1.Font.Name := 'Arial'; PaintBox1.Font.Size := 12; {* Compute the center of the screen *} midX := PaintBox1.Width div 2; midY := PaintBox1.Height div 2; {* Draw 16 different angles *} for i := 0 to 15 do begin {* Compute each angle. i * (360 / 16) *} degree := round(i * 22.5); {* Draw the from the edges of a circle with radius of 50 pixels. I use -y because y is the opposite direction of the normal cartesian coordinate system that the sin() function is based upon. Multiply degree by 10 because the function wants 10ths of a degree. *} CanvasTextOutAngle(PaintBox1.Canvas, round(midX + 50 * cos(degree * deg2Rad)), round(midY - 50 * sin(degree * deg2Rad)), degree*10, 'abcd'); end; {* Next angel (i) *} {* Set the subsequent angle to 45 degrees (or 45 * 10 tenths = 450 *} CanvasSetTextAngle(PaintBox1.Canvas,450); {* 45 degrees *} {* Output text *} PaintBox1.Canvas.TextOut(10,100,'45 degrees'); PaintBox1.Canvas.TextOut(40,100,'To the right 30 pixels'); {* Set it back *} CanvasSetTextAngle(PaintBox1.Canvas,0); end; end.