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Retrieve the unc version of a files name

The function needed for this is WNetGetUniversalName. The online help (win32.hlp) says about this function's arguments: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- lpBuffer Points to a buffer that receives the type of data structure specified by the dwInfoLevel parameter. This data structure has a pointer to a string buffer: typedef struct _UNIVERSAL_NAME_INFO { /* uni */ LPTSTR lpUniversalName; } UNIVERSAL_NAME_INFO; The UNIVERSAL_NAME_INFO structure contains a pointer to a Universal Naming Convention (UNC) name string. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As I found out, this is wrong. In fact, it contains a pointer to itself followed by the string buffer. Since the pointer takes 4 Bytes, the string starts at Buffer[4]. This piece of code works: var cFile, Buffer : array [0..450] of char; Size : DWord; ret : integer; FileName : string; .. Size := sizeof(Buffer); ret := WNetGetUniversalName(StrPCopy(cFile, FileName), UNIVERSAL_NAME_INFO_LEVEL, @Buffer, Size); if ret = NO_ERROR then Result := PChar(@Buffer[4]) else Result := FileName;