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Retrieve all tables in a database with ado

The following code enumerates all tables and views in a database. ADO distinguishes between these table types: Table View Synonym System Table Access Table The supplied unit defines matching constants and function ADODbTables can be used as shown in the button click handler at the bottom. unit dbTables; // Retrieve all tables in a database with ADO interface uses ADODb; type TTableType = (ttTable, ttView, ttSynonym, ttSystemTable, ttAccessTable); TTableTypes = set of TTableType; TTableItem = record ItemName: string; ItemType: string; end; TTableItems = array of TTableItem; function addFilter(string1, string2: string) : string; function ADODbTables(ADOConnection: TADOConnection; types: TTableTypes) : TTableItems; implementation function addFilter(string1, string2: string) : string; begin { addFilter } if string1<>'' then Result := string1 + ' or ' + string2 else Result := string2 end; { addFilter } function ADODbTables(ADOConnection: TADOConnection; types: TTableTypes) : TTableItems; var ADODataSet: TADODataSet; i : integer; begin { ADODbTables } ADODataSet := TADODataSet.Create(nil); ADODataSet.Connection := ADOConnection; ADOConnection.OpenSchema(siTables, EmptyParam, EmptyParam, ADODataSet); if (ttTable in types) then ADODataSet.Filter := addFilter(ADODataSet.Filter, '(TABLE_TYPE = ''TABLE'')'); if (ttView in types) then ADODataSet.Filter := addFilter(ADODataSet.Filter, '(TABLE_TYPE = ''VIEW'')'); if (ttSynonym in types) then ADODataSet.Filter := addFilter(ADODataSet.Filter, '(TABLE_TYPE = ''SYNONYM'')'); if (ttSystemTable in types) then ADODataSet.Filter := addFilter(ADODataSet.Filter, '(TABLE_TYPE = ''SYSTEM TABLE'')'); if (ttAccessTable in types) then ADODataSet.Filter := addFilter(ADODataSet.Filter, '(TABLE_TYPE = ''ACCESS TABLE'')'); ADODataSet.Filtered := True; SetLength(Result, ADODataSet.RecordCount); i := 0; with ADODataSet do begin First; while not EOF do begin with Result[i] do begin ItemName := FieldByName('TABLE_NAME').AsString; ItemType := FieldByName('TABLE_TYPE').AsString end; { with Result[i] } Inc(i); Next end; { not EOF } end; { with ADODataSet } ADODataSet.Free end; { ADODbTables } end. // =============================================================================== // // Example how to use this unit: // // Create a new project and // add a TADOConnection (ADOConnection1), a TButton (Button1) and a TMemo (Memo1). // Assign a ConnectionString to the TADOConnection component and // set