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Subject: Re: Different resolutions/large, small fonts Paul Brents asked >>could anyone give an explanation what is Delphi(3) is doing when changing resolutions and/or large/small fonts and how to solve my problems<< There is an Inprise TI dealing with this problem. My tip: create your form and all the elements on it with 1024 x 768 and large fonts. Use other resolutions only for testing, not for changing the design. Adapting all visual controls to various resolutions and screen sizes means much work, but the result looks well (run MS Word with various resolutions to see an example). Use the property Screen.Width to determine which resolution is actually set by the user. PixelsperInch gives you a hint to the actually used font size. Hope this helps Gerhard Seyfarth ********************************************* There is also a number of components available that manage the resizing of forms and components for different screen resolutions: TElastic, TResize, ... They are readily available from any Delphi resource page.