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Resizable control at runtime

{ The following is a unit I wrote yesterday. I am uploading it because it is a failed component - failed because it ultimately could not do what I needed. What I needed were resizeable bloxes (hotspots if you will) over a graphic. I created a component and setup 8 boxes at the perimeter for resizing and developed the code for the control to be moved (by clicking and holding while moving inside the control) or resized (at one of the 8 resize blocks around the edge). The failure was that after I got all this working I could not find a way to make the window transparent or automatically copy the area underneath to its canvas. I had to have a transparent hotspot - not one pushbutton grey! Anyway, when the user presses the mouse button down I take the X,Y, make it a point and do ClientToScreen on it - I also store the location of the control in parent coordinates. Later, when I get the OnMouseMove call, I take the new X,Y position, convert it to screen coordinates and take the difference of the original mouse X,Y to the new mouse X,Y and apply that to the original window X,Y. I am redoing this control as a descendant of TPaintBox so it can have the graphic and handling the hotspots as a TList instead of individual windows. Easier on resources as well. } unit Hotspot; interface uses SysUtils, WinTypes, WinProcs, Messages, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs; type THotspot = class(TCustomControl) private { Private declarations } xDown: Integer; yDown: Integer; ptDown: TPoint; dragging: Integer; wDrag: Integer; rcDown: TRect; rcDrag: Array [0..7] of TRect; rcCursor: Array [0..7] of TCursor; protected { Protected declarations } property OnMouseDown; property OnMouseUp; property OnMouseMove; public { Public declarations } constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; procedure SetBounds(ALeft, ATop, AWidth, AHeight: Integer); override; procedure Paint; override; procedure MouseMove(Sender: TObject; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); procedure MouseDown(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); procedure MouseUp(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); published { Published declarations } end; procedure Register; implementation procedure Register; begin RegisterComponents('Samples', [THotspot]); end; constructor THotspot.Create(AOwner: TComponent); var win: Longint; begin inherited Create(AOwner); Canvas.Brush.Style := bsClear; dragging := -1; wDrag := 5; OnMouseMove := MouseMove; OnMouseDown := MouseDown; OnMouseUp := MouseUp; ParentColor := True; rcCursor[0] := crSizeNWSE; rcCursor[1] := crSizeNS; rcCursor[2] := crSizeNESW; rcCursor[3] := crSizeWE; rcCursor[4] := crSizeNWSE; rcCursor[5] := crSizeNS; rcCursor[6] := crSizeNESW; rcCursor[7] := crSizeWE; end; procedure THotspot.SetBounds(ALeft, ATop, AWidth, AHeight: Integer); var r,b,r2,b2: Integer; wDrag2: Integer; begin r := AWidth; b := AHeight; r2:= r div 2; b2 := b div 2; wDrag2 := wDrag div 2; rcDrag[0] := Rect(0,0,wDrag,wDrag); rcDrag[1] := Rect(r2-wDrag2,0,r2+wDrag2,wDrag); rcDrag[2] := Rect(r-wDrag+1,0,r,wDrag); rcDrag[3] := Rect(r-wDrag+1,b2-wDrag2,r,b2+wDrag2); rcDrag[4] := Rect(r-wDrag+1,b-wDrag,r,b); rcDrag[5] := Rect(r2-wDrag2,b-wDrag,r2+wDrag2,b); rcDrag[6] := Rect(0,b-wDrag,wDrag,b); rcDrag[7] := Rect(0,b2-wDrag2,wDrag,b2+wDrag2); inherited SetBounds(ALeft,ATop,AWidth,AHeight); end; procedure THotspot.Paint; var rc: TRect; i,w: Integer; begin with Canvas do begin Pen.Style := psDot; if dragging = -1 then Pen.Color := clBlack else Pen.Color := clWhite; rc := GetClientRect; w := wDrag div 2; Rectangle(w,w,rc.right-w,rc.bottom-w); Brush.Style := bsSolid; Brush.Color := Pen.Color; Pen.Style := psSolid; for i := 0 to 7 do Rectangle(rcDrag[i].Left,rcDrag[i].Top,rcDrag[i].Right,rcDrag[i].Bottom); Brush.Style := bsClear; end; end; procedure THotspot.MouseMove(Sender: TObject; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); var i: Integer; pt: TPoint; xDif,yDif: Integer; procedure SetW(leftOff,topOff,rightOff,bottomOff: Integer); var rc: TRect; begin rc := rcDown; Inc(rc.Left,leftOff); Inc(rc.Top,topOff); Inc(rc.Right,rightOff); Inc(rc.Bottom,bottomOff); SetBounds(rc.Left,rc.Top,rc.Right-rc.Left+1,rc.Bottom-rc.Top+1); end; begin pt := ClientToScreen(Point(X,Y)); xDif := pt.X - ptDown.X; yDif := pt.Y - ptDown.Y; if ssLeft in Shift then case dragging of -1: SetBounds(left + (X-xDown),top + (Y-yDown),width,height); 0: SetW(xDif,yDif,0,0); 1: SetW(0,yDif,0,0); 2: SetW(0,yDif,xDif,0); 3: SetW(0,0,xDif,0); 4: SetW(0,0,xDif,yDif); 5: SetW(0,0,0,yDif); 6: SetW(xDif,0,0,yDif); 7: SetW(xDif,0,0,0); end else begin pt := Point(X,Y); Cursor := crArrow; for i := 0 to 7 do if PtInRect(rcDrag[i],pt) then Cursor := rcCursor[i]; end; end; procedure THotspot.MouseDown(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); var i: Integer; pt: TPoint; begin pt := Point(X,Y); ptDown := ClientToScreen(pt); xDown := X; yDown := Y; rcDown := Rect(left,top,left+Width,top+Height); dragging := -1; for i := 0 to 7 do if PtInRect(rcDrag[i],pt) then dragging := i; if dragging <> -1 then Cursor := rcCursor[i] else if Cursor <> crArrow then Cursor := crArrow; Paint; end; procedure THotspot.MouseUp(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); begin dragging := -1; Paint; end; end.