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Replacement for quickreports preview

Delphi1 & Delphi2. This unit is to replace QuickReport's Preview Form. Advantages: 1. cursor keys can be used to move around the preview page. 2. [page_up] and [page_down] keys used to move between pages 3. [home] or [ctrl][page_up] to move to first page 4. [end] or [ctrl][page_down] to move to last page 5. automatically fills entire screen (except task bar) Usage: 1. Make sure QuickRep is in the uses clause on your MainForm. 2. Add this Preview unit to your project. 3. Add the following procedure to your MainForm - procedure TMainForm.MyPreview; begin FmPreview.ShowModal; end; 4. add - QRPrinter.OnPreview := MyPreview; to your code (or place it in FormCreate method) before calling - YourReport.Quickreport1.preview;