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Regular expression searching for delphi

//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // RegExpUnit.Pas Copyright (C) 1997 Object Dynamics Ltd. // // An implementation of regular expression searching for Delphi 2 and later. The // code is based on that presented by Kernighan & Plauger in their book // "Software Tools in Pascal" (ISBN 0-201-10342-7). You should consult this book // for a detailed explanation of how this implementation works, as the code is // not particularly heavily commented! // // *** IMPORTANT *** // // By using this code, you accept the following conditions: // // You may use and adapt this code freely, but it remains the // copyright of Object Dynamics Ltd. Any adaptations must retain the // copyright message at the head of this file. // // You use this code at your own risk. Object Dynamics is not responsible // for any loss or damage caused by programs using this code. // // // History: // // Version 1.0 Created by Neil Butterworth, September 1997 // - Fixed problem with .* not matching entire line // //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ unit ODRegExpUnit; interface //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Find // // Searches the string "str" from position "start" for the pattern "pat". The // pattern must have been constructed using one of the two MakePattern functions // described below. // // The function returns the position of the pattern in the string, or zero if // no match is found. If there is a match, the length of matched characters // is returned in the "len" parameter. // // If the "csense" parameter is false, the case of characters is ignored. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function Find( const str : string; start : integer; const pat : string; var len : integer; csense : boolean ) : integer; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // MakePattern // // Constructs an encoded version of a regular expression, required for input // as the "pat" parameter of Find, described above. // // MakePattern begins construction of the pattern at the position indicated // by "start" - this should almost always be 1. This extraneous parameter is // maintained for future Software Tools compatibility. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function MakePattern( const pat : string; start : integer ) : string; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // MakePatternNoRegexp // // As above, but treats all regular expression characters as non-special. For // example: // // MakePattern( '[a-z]') wo // // would create apattern that would match the string '[a-z]', rather than // one that would match a single lower-case character. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function MakePatternNoRegEx( const pat : string; start : integer ) : string; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ implementation uses SysUtils; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // The following constants define the symbols used by regular expressions. The // set used is identical to that used by UNIX programs such as vi and ed, but // does not include extended regular expressions as used by (for example )nawk. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ const CLOSURE = '*'; // match zero or more of preceding character BOL = '^'; // beginning of line EOL = '$'; // end of line ESCAPE = '\'; // escape next character DASH = '-'; // used in [a-z] type expressions NEGATE = '^'; // negate next character/range in [a-z] expression CCL ='['; // intro for [a-z] expressions CCLEND = ']'; // outro for [a-z] expressions ANY = '.'; // match any single character //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // These are used for internally encoding expressions //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NCCL = '!'; // negate [a-z] must not be same as NEGATE!!! LITCHAR = '@'; // quote single literal character TAB = char( 9 ); // tab //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Convert a single character to uppercase (if possible) //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function ToUpper( c : char ) : char; begin if (( c >= 'a' ) and (c <='z')) then result := char(integer(c) - 32) else result := c; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Compare two characters for equality. If csense is false, the comparison // ignores case. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function CmpChar( c1, c2 : char; csense : boolean ) : boolean; begin if ( csense ) then result := c1 = c2 else result := ToUpper(c1) = ToUpper(c2); end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Check if single character is alphanumeric. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function IsAlphaNum( c : char ) : boolean; begin result := ((c>= 'A') and (c<='Z')) or ((c >='a') and (c<='z')) or ((c>='0') and (c<='9')); end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Check if index is beyond the last character position in a string. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function AtEnd( const str : string; index : integer ) : boolean; begin result := index > Length( str ); end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Expand an escaped character. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function Esc( const s : string; var i : integer ) : char; begin if ( s[i] <> ESCAPE ) then result := s[i] else if ( AtEnd( s, i+1 )) then result := ESCAPE else begin inc( i ); if ( s[i] = 't' ) then result := TAB else result := s[i]; end; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Expand a character class in the form c1-c2. For example a-d expands to "abcd". //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function ExpandDash( delim : char; const pat : string; var i : integer ) : string; var k : char; begin result := ''; while( (pat[i] <> delim) and (not AtEnd( pat, i ))) do begin if ( pat[i] = ESCAPE ) then result := result + Esc( pat, i ) else if ( pat[i] <> DASH ) then result := result + pat[i] else if ( AtEnd( pat, i )) then result := result + DASH else if ( IsAlphaNum( pat[i-1] ) and IsAlphaNum( pat[i+1]) and ( pat[i-1] <= pat[i+1])) then begin for k := char(integer(pat[i-1]) + 1) to pat[i+1] do result := result + k; inc( i ); end else result := result + DASH; inc( i ); end; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Expand character class in form [a-z] //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function ExpandCharClass( const c : string; var i : integer ) : string; var countpos : integer; tmp : string; begin result := ''; inc( i ); if ( c[i] = NEGATE ) then begin result := result + NCCL; inc ( i ); end else result := result + CCL; result := result + ' '; countpos := Length( result ); tmp := ExpandDash( CCLEND, c, i ); result[countpos] := char(length(tmp)); if ( c[i] = CCLEND ) then result := result + tmp else result := ''; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Insert a closure symbol at position cpos. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure InsertClosure( var pat : string; cpos : integer ); begin Insert( CLOSURE, pat, cpos ); end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Construct a pattern from an expression. A pattern is an expanded encoding // of an expression, which the search functions need. This version ignores // ALL regular expression characters. // // The "start" parameter indicates the starting point in the expression. This // will almost always be 1. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function MakePatternNoRegEx( const pat : string; start : integer ) : string; var i : integer; begin result := ''; for i := start to length( pat ) do result := result + LITCHAR + pat[i]; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // As above, but handles regualr expression characters. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function MakePattern( const pat : string; start : integer ) : string; var p, pstart, i : integer; begin i := start; result := ''; pstart := 0; while( not AtEnd( pat, i ) ) do begin if ( pat[i] = ANY ) then begin pstart := Length( result ) + 1; result := result + ANY; end else if ( (pat[i] = BOL) and (i = start )) then begin pstart := Length( result ) + 1; result := result + BOL; end else if ( (pat[i] =EOL) and AtEnd(pat, i+1 )) then begin pstart := length( result ) + 1; result := result + EOL; end else if ( pat[i] = CCL ) then begin pstart := length( result ) + 1; result := result + ExpandCharClass( pat, i ); end else if ( ( pat[i] = CLOSURE ) and ( i > start )) then begin p := pstart; pstart := length( result ) + 1; if ( ( p < 1 ) or (result[p] in [BOL, EOL, CLOSURE]) ) then begin result := ''; exit; end; InsertClosure( result, p ); end else begin pstart := length( result ) + 1; result := result + LITCHAR + Esc( pat, i ); end; inc( i ); end; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Get length of piece of a pattern. For example, the encoded length of the // expression 'a' is 2, as it is encodeds a LITCHAR followed by an 'a' //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function PatSize( const pat : string; n : integer ) : integer; begin if ( pat[n] = LITCHAR ) then result := 2 else if ( pat[n] in [BOL, EOL, ANY, CLOSURE] ) then result := 1 else if ( (pat[n] = CCL) or (pat[n] = NCCL)) then result := integer( pat[n+1] ) + 2; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Find single character in character class. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function LocateChar( c : char; const pat : string; offset : integer; csense : boolean ) : boolean; var i : integer; begin result := false; i := offset + integer( pat[offset] ); while( i > offset ) do begin if ( CmpChar(c, pat[i], csense ) ) then begin result := true; exit; end; dec(i ); end; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Match a single pattern element against a string. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function MatchOne( const str : string; var i : integer; const pat : string; j : integer; csense : boolean ) : boolean; var advance : integer; begin advance := -1; if ( AtEnd( str, i ) ) then begin if ( pat[j] = EOL ) then advance := 0; end else if ( not (pat[j] in [LITCHAR, BOl, EOL, ANY, CCL, NCCL, CLOSURE])) then raise Exception.Create( 'should never happen!' ) else begin case pat[j] of LITCHAR: if ( CmpChar( str[i], pat[j+1], csense ) ) then advance := 1; BOL: if ( i = 1 ) then advance := 0; ANY: if ( not AtEnd( str, i ) ) then //i+1 advance := 1; EOL: if ( AtEnd( str, i + 1 ) ) then advance := 0; CCL: if ( LocateChar( str[i], pat, j+1, csense )) then advance := 1; NCCL: if ( not AtEnd( str, i + 1 ) and( not LocateChar( str[i], pat, j+1, csense) )) then advance := 1; end; end; if ( advance >= 0 ) then begin i := i + advance; result := true; end else result := false; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Look for a match of patttern element pat[j] in a string, starting at offset. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function MatchPat( const str : string; offset : integer; const pat : string; j : integer; csense : boolean ) : integer; var i, k : integer; begin while( not AtEnd( pat, j ) ) do begin if ( pat[j] = CLOSURE ) then begin j := j + PatSize( pat, j ); i := offset; while( (not AtEnd( str, i )) and ( MatchOne( str, i, pat, j, csense ))) do begin // nothing end; while( i >= offset ) do begin k := MatchPat( str, i, pat, j + PatSize( pat, j ), csense); if ( k > 0 ) then break; dec( i ); end; offset := k; break; end else if ( not MatchOne( str, offset, pat, j, csense ) ) then begin offset := 0; break; end else j := j + PatSize( pat, j ); end; result := offset; end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Look for a pattern in a string, returning the position of the pattern // (or zero if not found, and the length. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function Find( const str : string; start : integer; const pat : string; var len : integer; csense : boolean ) : integer; var i, pos : integer; begin i := start; pos := 0; result := 0; while ( not AtEnd( str, i )) do begin len := MatchPat( str, i, pat, 1, csense ); if ( len <> 0 ) then begin len := len - i; result := i; exit; end; inc( i ); end; end; //----------------------------------- eof -------------------------------------- end.