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REASONS not TO USE THE REGISTRY and TIPS N TRIKS ON HOW TO SET THINGS UP INSTEAD (all from Delphi user group, re use of the registry and 'SECURITY') **************************************************************************************** Thanks for the suggestion. Yes, I'm sure there are places under the Windows directory to store individual user profiles -- just as there are in the Windows Registry. I don't want to use them though: the point emphasized by such contributors to the "tips/tricks/techniques" thread of a few days back as Kerry Neighbour, Todd Lang and Jim Burns is that it's well to stay clear of both the Registry and the Windows directories. One analogy I especially liked (it happened my own spot had been stolen that morning) is that the application should be self contained and should "use its own parking space" instead of barging in somewhere it doesn't belong. There are plenty of ways to skin this cat. One could have subdirectories or uniquely named files or table entries or what you will contained within the application's directory or on individual users' PCs. I was just hoping someone might already have invented this particular variation on The Wheel. **************************************************************************************** >'in a networked environment (where several users are working >with the same intranet-based application, as this is what I am >beginning to work on now) will there not be potential problems >with network file-locking when INI files are used for security and >configuration..?' Sure - the easiest way is to put them in the Windows directory. Even with shared profiles or networked installation on Windows, there is always a separate Windows directory for every user. ie function getwindir: string; var X: WORD; buf: Pchar; begin Getmem(buf, 500); X := GetWindowsDirectory(buf, 500); getwindir := StrPas(buf); Freemem(buf, 500); end; I don't particularly like this solution either - as people often remove Windows and re-install it. So I always check for the existance of this file, and if not their, I generate it with all the default values. This will delete any registration codes you might be saving there though. A better option (I think) is to generate a separate user directory under the application dir, and store the INI file in there. Or to name the INI file after the user ie SimViews_PETER.INI. The name you would get off the Computer Name. I certainly would not use one file (in the application dir) for everyone. It is unlikely that you would get file locks as the INI file is usually only in use for very short periods. But you need to keep separate option for each user generally. But honestly, as much as I HATE putting things in the Windows directories, I find that this is generally the easiest thing to do (we have to be practical, after all). -- Kerry Neighbour, on 2/10/2000 ******************************************************************************** > Further to saving multiple user INI files: How do I determine the current > network user name? I do it this way: VAR Temp : PChar; Count : cardinal; begin Count := 0; GetUserName(nil,Count); Temp := StrAlloc(Count); GetUserName(Temp, Count); UserName := StrPas(Temp); StrDispose(Temp); end; **************************************************************************************** PS - We do not use the BDE. We are using ADO so we never need a program install. Just a copy from test folder to the production folder. However, there can be issues with ADO, so you should probably distribute the MDACTYP update file with your application. But, if ADO is working, your application is highly mobile on that machine. Drop it here, drop it there, everything works! Todd Lang **************************************************************************************** "We place our program (EXE) and settings file (INI) on a network drive. (We don't use the registry, which tends to make a number of scenarios well-nigh impossible to implement). The users have read capabilities to the folder. We create a NAL script to place a short cut on every desk top that belongs to the appropriate group. When the user logs in to the Network, the NAL runs and a few seconds later, the program is available to the user. We can update the EXE and/or INI file and all users are using the new software. Our support and maintenance is almost nil by doing things this way. PS - We do not use the BDE. We are using ADO so we never need a program install. Just a copy from test folder to the production folder". "*EVERYTHING* that you can store in the registry can just as easily be stored in a configuration file in the same directory as your program. And people appreciate a program that actually *completely* disappears when you uninstall it. And uninstalling it can be as simple as deleting the directory it comes in". "Absolutely. I could not agree more. This is our firm company policy (set by me) and it is strictly enforced. And for all the reasons you state. I am glad that others think the same way". **************************************************************************************** Dear Kerry hope it's OK mailing you direct re an issue that has cropped up a lot lately on (re use of the registry...) I tend to agree with you that where possible one should use INI files... INI files are cool, they are simpler to use, more maintenance free, they don't clutter up the user's registry with stuff, they can be easily 'uninstalled' (ie removed/deleted) etc etc (and some people seem to get carried away with what seems almost to be a 'macho' approach with regard to using the registry)... BUT my experience (so far) has been with applications that exist in a simple (non-networked) environment, so my question is 'in a networked environment (where several users are working with the same intranet-based application, as this is what I am beginning to work on now) will there not be potential problems with network file-locking when INI files are used for security and configuration..?' any feedback on this would be much appreciated **************************************************************************************** Jim Burns wrote: > Absolutely. I've argued time and again that we should remain consistent. > After all, it makes little sense to develop our software to take advantage > of OO design principles and then break them to store our garbage across the > system, in my case, on a completely different hard drive, where they're > completely out of scope. Do our OO principles hold or not? I've always opposed registry and similar techniques. However, and I may be repeating what I have written before, there still may be exceptions and I don't think you always have to be so strict. Right now I can think of two exceptions which I think are acceptable: 1) The Borland Shared subdirectory in the Program Files folder. I think storing the BDE, common glyphs and other stuff that is common to more of their development tools there is fine 2) On network multi-user system, the app may store settings into the user's own disk space. This is how it works on UNIX systems and I think it proved itself a good idea. Even in the windows world it can be still so. I know an organization where all users login into the NT workstations as guest and almost everything is read-only for them. OTOH everyone has his/her own Novell user account and some disk space on the fileserver of their own. Applications have almost no chance to store settings (or anything else) into their own directories on the local NT disks. Those applications which are able to store settings on the user diskspace are most user friendly. Moreover, when you think about it, you find out this approach is also quite secure. The disadvantage is uninstallation which is no longer trivial. On the contrary, these systems usually have a network administrator who should be able to handle this task. HTH **************************************************************************************** > One analogy I especially liked (it > happened my own > spot had been stolen that morning) is that the application should be self > contained and should "use its own parking space" instead of barging in > somewhere it doesn't belong. Absolutely. I've argued time and again that we should remain consistent. After all, it makes little sense to develop our software to take advantage of OO design principles and then break them to store our garbage across the system, in my case, on a completely different hard drive, where they're completely out of scope. Do our OO principles hold or not? > There are plenty of ways to skin this cat. One could have > subdirectories or > uniquely named files or table entries or what you will contained > within the > application's directory or on individual users' PCs. I was just hoping > someone might already have invented this particular variation on > The Wheel. Ok, so you're there and you're asking the right questions. As you see there are many answers. In keeping with OOP, the nice thing is once you develop the answer, if you DID hold true to OOD you'll find that answer pops quickly into place in every project. You are correct in that the registry does provide, what I like to call, the "poor man's multi-user" capability. Consider also that this isn't always so straightforwardly an advantage. For example, I run in 1600x1200 and when I need to jump to a lower resolution to test something or whatever, I don't risk my desktop setup on my normal login so I relogin as another user. However, the poor man's multi-user capability usually means I have a number of hurdles to jump through when I login as another user if I want to run some applications that provide different configurations based on user (like Delphi). Sure, Delphi provides a way to do a pseudo-install and only rebuild the registry entries. But this is foolish. For one, I must remember all the installation choices? Did I install the Interbase client? Did I install the Database Desktop? No, this is silly, and is yet another example of taking a shortcut that doesn't really prove helpful in the real world. Try this with something as horrendous as Office and life really starts to get stressful! After all, why bother with this hassle when you can simply export the entire borland registry key and under the other user, with one double-click, import it completely and be done with it? D'oh! :) Better the application keep the information it needs to itself to manage and maintain, and leave the OS to it's own business. It's questionable whether or not the OS can handle it's job anyway right! :) **************************************************************************************** What I've been doing is setting up a user-list dat file, loading them into a stringlist and setting them this way. I can do this with one dat file no matter how many users. I've always hated the idea of the Registry for anything application specific! Several contributors to the "need tips/tricks/techniques for debugging" thread have explained compelling reasons (popular components -- and Delphi help files -- to the contrary) for not storing configuration information in the Windows registry. I'm convinced. I offer one obvious reason why this practice has become so prevalent: an application on a network, with multiple users on multiple PCs, each of them setting their own configuration preferences, will obviously need to store multiple sets of user settings. It's tempting to use the Registry because it's there, guaranteed present on every user's PC, rather than code for storage locations for multiple users' INI files. Which brings me to my question: does anyone have components/techniques for managing such sets of configuration information? There are several around for loading/saving component properties to INI files (or ;-> to the Registry) -- IniOut and RxLib's FormStorage are two such -- but they don't address the issue of keeping multiple configurations separate. It can be a bit of an uphill battle, especially since the TIniFile assumes unless told otherwise that INI files are to be found in the Windows directory -- another place for well-behaved applications to stay clear of. **************************************************************************************** Rich Ofcourse if the registry became corrupted and you had a network situation or otherwise for your program, many other programs would be screwed also, perhaps even the kernel so once the registry is corrupted, then not being able to run our system would be the least of our customers' worries. Yes? And the network file locking issue, i've experienced exactly that. I saw massive systems built around the scheme those guys are hailing as excellent and until the day i left it was fatally flawed due to the locking of a network ini, 'fragment.ini' it was called and users constantly rang about not being able to start the system. Our support teams then had to say, 'Oh, just try again' of course by then the system started ok as the simultaneous problem had gone but of course support resources had by then been employed. The money the company put into that prob was unbelievable - due to bad system design i thought. Seriously, if i'm wrong then seniority does not come into it, but i'm right Rich. Remember this one, it will serve you well. Network file locking - its a swine!! The days of ini files are numbered on systems such as Seneca - honest.