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Registry-accessing it

uses Registry, Windows; var TheReg: TRegistry; KeyName: String; ValueStr: String; begin TheReg := TRegistry.Create; try TheReg.RootKey := HKEY_CURRENT_USER; KeyName := 'Software\MyTinyApp\StartUp; if TheReg.OpenKey(KeyName, False) then begin ValueStr := TheReg.ReadString('WorkPath'); TheReg.CloseKey; end; finally TheReg.Free; end; end; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Also note, the correct place to store the path to your application's EXE under the Win95 registry is in: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\AppPaths\MYAPP.EXE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Store the complete path to your app as the default value under that key. Regstr.pas defines a constant for this path up through ...\App Paths\ as REGSTR_PATH_APPPATHS. Storing the path to your application's EXE here will allow a user to simply type MYAPP (or whatever its name is) in Start|Run on the taskbar and your application will launch. Here's an example of how to create it: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- uses Registry, Regstr; var TheReg: TRegistry; KeyName: String; begin TheReg := TRegistry.Create; try {Check AppPath setting, update if necessary} TheReg.RootKey := HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE; KeyName := REGSTR_PATH_APPPATHS + ExtractFileName(Application.ExeName); if TheReg.OpenKey(KeyName, True) then begin if CompareText(TheReg.ReadString(''), Application.ExeName) <> 0 then TheReg.WriteString('', Application.ExeName); TheReg.CloseKey; end; finally TheReg.Free; end; end;