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Registration routine (creating a shareware application)

Title: Registration routine (creating a shareware application) Question: How can I create a registration routine? Answer: { Author: Cosmin Prlitu E-mail: The following code uses two edit boxes (edtName and edtEmail) to generate a *case-sensitive* serial number for shareware applications. You also need to place a button (btnRegister) and a third edit box (edtSerial) on the form (frmRegister). When the user clicks on the "Register" button the program calculates the serial number and compares it with the serial entered in the "Serial Number" box. If the values are the same then the code is accepted and program is registered otherwise the code is treated as invalid and the program remains unregistered. The code above was written in Notepad and was not tested! I appologise for eventual spelling errors... } uses StrUtils; {...code...} function TfrmRegister.EncodeString(Value: string): string; var i: integer; begin Result:=''; for i:=0 to Length(Value)-1 do Result:=Result+IntToStr(VKKeyScan(Value[i])); end; function TfrmRegister.GenerateSerial(Name, Email: string): string; begin Result:=EncodeString(Name)+ReverseString(EncodeString(Email)); end; {...code...} procedure TfrmRegister.btnRegisterClick(Sender: TObject); var tempSerial: string; begin if (((Length(edtName.Text0)) and (Length(edtEmail0))) then begin tempSerial:=GenerateSerial(edtName.Text, edtEmail.Text); if tempSerial=edtSerial.Text then begin MessageDlg('Code accepted!'+#13+ 'The program is now registered to '+edtName.Text+'...', mtInformation,[mbOK],0); { save the registration details and stop trial/nag-screen } end else begin MessageDlg('Invalid code!'+#13+ 'Remember that the Name and E-mail are case-sensitive!', mtWarning,[mbOK],0); Exit; { serial is invalid so the program is still shareware/trial } end; end else begin MessageDlg('Please provide a valid Name and E-mail address...', mtWarning,[mbOK],0); Exit; end; end;