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Registering a file type on windows 9x-2000-nt

This is typically the task of an installer like Wise or InstallShield, buy you may be in a situation where you have to do it manually. Registering an application to handle a certain file type means putting a few entries in the registry. Just use the function from the code below. program RegisterExt; uses Registry; procedure RegisterExtension( const sAppName: String; const sAppPath: String; const sIconName: String; const sExtension: String); var Reg: TRegistry; begin { RegisterExtension } Reg := TRegistry.Create; with Reg do begin RootKey := HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT; OpenKey('.ext', True); WriteString('', sAppName); CloseKey; OpenKey(sAppName, True); WriteString('', sAppName); OpenKey('DefaultIcon', True); WriteString('', sIconName); CloseKey; OpenKey(sAppName+'\shell\open\command', True); WriteString('', sAppPath); CloseKey; Free; end { with Reg }; end; { RegisterExtension } begin RegisterExtension('MyGreatApplication', 'c:\program files\mystuff\myApp.exe', 'c:\program files\mystuff\myApp.ico', '.shl'); end.