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Categories / Delphi / Examples

Register ole components

>How can I register OCX component (NetManage HTML) to use it with >my application on a "clean" pc (Delphi not installed). > Run regsvr32 filename.ocx(dll) Another way to do it is this: ---------- Application's Project Source ---------- ... var i : TCLSID; hOCX :integer; pReg : procedure; begin { Check ocx registration. } try i :=3D StringToClassID('SoftwareFX.ChartFX.20'); except hOCX :=3D LoadLibrary( 'CFX32.OCX' ); if (hOCX >=3D HINSTANCE_ERROR) then begin try pReg :=3D GetProcAddress(hOCX,'DllRegisterServer'); if (@pReg <> nil) then pReg { Call the registration function } else MessageDlg('Error in registering OCX control.', mtError, [mbok]= ,0); finally FreeLibrary(hOCX); end; end else MessageDlg('Error in loading OCX control.', mtError, [mbok],0); end; Application.Initialize; ... ------------------------------ This source checks that the OCX is registered with StringToClassID meth= od. If not registered, it raises an error. If error occured, just load the OC= X and call DllRegisterServer method to register it. This source is used to register ChartFX OCX but you can change it to register any OCX by changing 'SoftwareFX.ChartFX.20' and 'CFX32.OCX' to whatever...