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Reconnecting to network shares with the use of a component

Ever lost a networked share and didn't know how to connect to it? Well with this component you can search the network for a specific share containing a file or a directory and automatically reconnect to it. NOTE: IF YOU ALLREADY KNOW THE LOCATION OF THE SHARE YOU SHOULDN'T USE THIS COMPONENT AS IN LARGE NETWORKS WILL BE SLOW. THIS IS ONLY IF YOU DON'T KNOW THE EXACT LOCATION BUT CAN LOCATE IT BY USING A MARKER SUCH AS A SPECIFIC FILE OR FOLDER. TIP: Use the BeforeConnect Event to specify whether a connection should be made. unit Reconnect; interface uses Windows, Messages,StdCtrls, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs,FileCtrl; type TSIsType=(itDir,itIniFile,itApp,itOther); TBeforeConnectEvent=procedure(Owner:TObject;AssignPath:string;var Accept:boolean) of object; TAfterConnectEvent=procedure(Owner:TObject;AssignedPath:string) of object; TOnFail=procedure(Owner:TObject;FailMessage:string) of object; TReconnect = class(TComponent) private { Private declarations } DidAssign:boolean; FItemToLookFor:String; FUserName:String; FPassword:String; FLetterToAssign:Char; FIsType:TSIsType; FOutputLabel:TLabel; FFailMessage:String; FBeforeConnect:TBeforeConnectEvent; FAfterConnect:TAfterConnectEvent; FOnFail:TOnFail; function DoEnum(NetResT:PNetResourceA):integer; function addbs(g:string):string;OVERLOAD; function addbs(g:string;SLASH:CHAR):string;OVERLOAD; function SearchFor(NetResT:NETRESOURCE;Path,param:string):boolean; protected { Protected declarations } public { Public declarations } published { Published declarations } function SearchAndAssign:boolean; property ItemToLookFor:String read FItemToLookFor write FItemToLookFor; property LetterToAssign:Char read FLetterToAssign write FLetterToAssign; property IsType:TSIsType read FIsType write FIsType default itDir; property OutputLabel:TLabel read FOutputLabel write FOutputLabel; property UserName:String read FUserName write FUserName; property Password:String read FPassword write FPassword; property BeforeConnect:TBeforeConnectEvent read FBeforeConnect write FBeforeConnect; property AfterConnect:TAfterConnectEvent read FAfterConnect write FAfterConnect; property OnFail:TOnFail read FOnFail write FOnFail; end; procedure Register; implementation Function TReconnect.addbs(g:string;SLASH:CHAR):string; begin g:=trim(g); if g<>'' then begin if g[length(g)]<>SLASH then result:=g+SLASH else result:=g; end else result:=g; end; function TReconnect.addbs(g:string):string; begin result:=addbs(g,'\'); end; function TReconnect.SearchFor(NetResT:NETRESOURCE;Path,param:string):boolean; var cont:boolean; Exists:boolean; begin Exists:=false; path:=addbs(path); SearchFor:=false; if IsType=itDir then Exists:=directoryExists(path+param); if IsType=itIniFile then Exists:=FileExists(path+param); if IsType=itApp then Exists:=FileExists(path+param); if IsType=itOther then Exists:=FileExists(path+param); if Exists then begin cont:=true; try if assigned(FBeforeConnect) then BeforeConnect(self,path,cont); except showmessage('Failed to call BeforeConnect.'); end; if cont then begin try NetResT.lpLocalName:=pchar(string(FLetterToAssign)+':'); WNetAddConnection2A(NetResT,pchar(UserName),pchar(Password),CONNECT_UPDATE_PROFILE); DidAssign:=true; try if assigned(FAfterConnect) then AfterConnect(self,path); except showmessage('Failed to call AfterConnect.'); end; except on E: Exception do Showmessage(E.Message); end; SearchFor:=true; end; end; end; function TReconnect.DoEnum(NetResT:PNetResourceA):integer; var EnumH:THandle; cnt:cardinal; buffsize:cardinal; NetResBuf:array [0..200] of NETRESOURCE; res:word; i:integer; begin if DidAssign then exit; try cnt:=255; WNetOpenEnum(RESOURCE_GLOBALNET,RESOURCETYPE_DISK,0,NetResT,EnumH); res:=0; while (res=NO_ERROR) do begin buffsize:=sizeof(NetResBuf); res:=WNetEnumResource(EnumH,cnt,@NetResBuf,buffsize); for i:=0 to cnt-1 do begin if Assigned(OutputLabel) then begin OutputLabel.Caption:=NetResBuf[i].lpRemoteName; OutputLabel.Refresh; end; if NetResBuf[i].dwDisplayType=RESOURCEDISPLAYTYPE_SHARE then begin if not DidAssign then if SearchFor(NetResBuf[i],string(NetResBuf[i].lpRemoteName),ItemToLookFor) then begin result:=0; exit; end; end; if (NetResBuf[i].dwScope=RESOURCEUSAGE_CONTAINER) then doEnum(@NetResBuf[i]); end; end; WNetCloseEnum(EnumH); result:=1; except on E: Exception do begin FFailMessage:=E.Message; if Assigned(FOnFail) then OnFail(Owner,FFailMessage); result:=0; end; end; end; function TReconnect.SearchAndAssign:boolean; begin DidAssign:=false; DoEnum(nil); result:=true; end; procedure Register; begin RegisterComponents('VNPVcls', [TReconnect]); end; end.