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Recently used files list

unit MRUFList; (* Implements a Recently-Used Files List *) (* Constructed by Robert R. Marsh, S.J., 1995 *) (* Use freely, distribute widely, charge nothing*) (* If you like it you could always give some *) (* money to your favorite charity. *) (* Comments, bug-reports, praise and blame to: *) (* RobMarsh@AOL.COM *) interface uses SysUtils, WinTypes, WinProcs, Messages, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, Menus, IniFiles; type TRecentFileEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; LatestFile: string) of object; type TRecentFiles = class(TComponent) private FMenu : TMenuItem; Divider : TMenuItem; FMaxFiles : integer; FIniFileName: string; FLatestFile : string; FOnClick : TRecentFileEvent; procedure SetLatestFile(value: string); procedure SetMenu(value: TMenuItem); procedure SetMaxFiles(value: integer); procedure MenuOnClick(Sender: TObject); function DividerPlace: integer; protected procedure Click(RecentFile: string); public constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; procedure SaveToIniFile; procedure LoadFromIniFile; property LatestFile: string read FLatestFile write SetLatestFile; published property Menu : TMenuItem read FMenu write SetMenu; property MaxFiles : integer read FMaxFiles write SetMaxFiles; property IniFileName: string read FIniFileName write FIniFileName; property OnClick : TRecentFileEvent read FOnClick write FOnClick; end; procedure Register; implementation procedure Register; begin RegisterComponents('Mine', [TRecentFiles]); end; {we frequently need to know both if the Divider} {has been added and, if so, where it is} function TRecentFiles.DividerPlace: integer; begin Result:=-1; if FMenu <> nil then begin Result:=Menu.IndexOf(Divider); end; end; procedure TRecentFiles.SetMenu(value: TMenuItem); begin FMenu:=value; end; procedure TRecentFiles.SetMaxFiles(value: integer); var n: integer; begin {the Max value of MaxFiles is 9} if value <=9 then begin FMaxFiles:=value; end else begin FMaxFiles:=9; end; if (FMenu <> nil) and (DividerPlace <> -1) then begin {trim off any entries more MaxFiles} while Menu.Count > DividerPlace + FMaxFiles + 1 do begin Menu.Delete(Menu.Count-1); end; {if neccesary delete the divider too} if FMaxFiles = 0 then begin Menu.Delete(Menu.Count-1); end; end; end; procedure TRecentFiles.SetLatestFile(value: string); var NewMenuItem: TMenuItem; n : integer; Thiscaption: string; OldPlace : integer; DividerPos : integer; begin FLatestFile:=value; if (Menu <> nil) and (MaxFiles > 0) and (FLatestFile <> '') then begin {special case - the divider} if DividerPlace < 0 then begin Menu.Add(Divider); end; {is the new Name already there?} DividerPos:=DividerPlace; n:=DividerPos+1; while (n < Menu.Count) do begin if FLatestFile = Copy(Menu.Items[n].Caption,4,high(string)) then begin OldPlace:=n; Break; end else begin inc(n); end; end; if n >= Menu.Count then {we add} begin NewMenuItem:=TMenuItem.Create(Self); NewMenuItem.Caption:='&1 '+FLatestFile; {what happens if we click it} NewMenuItem.OnClick:=MenuOnClick; Menu.Insert(DividerPos+1,NewMenuItem); end else {we insert} begin NewMenuItem:=Menu.Items[OldPlace]; Menu.Delete(OldPlace); Menu.Insert(DividerPos+1,NewMenuItem); end; {now change the 'hot' keys} for n:=DividerPos+1 to Menu.Count - 1 do begin ThisCaption:=Menu.Items[n].Caption; ThisCaption[2]:=Chr(n - DividerPos + Ord('1') -1); Menu.Items[n].Caption:=ThisCaption; end; {delete any excess items} if Menu.Count > DividerPos + MaxFiles + 1 then begin Menu.Delete(Menu.Count-1); end; end; end; procedure TRecentFiles.Click(RecentFile: string); begin if Assigned(FOnClick) then FOnClick(Self,RecentFile); end; procedure TRecentFiles.SaveToIniFile; var IniFile : TIniFile; n : integer; DividerPos: integer; begin if Menu <> nil then begin {if this property is blank we use the default} if IniFileName = '' then begin IniFileName:=ChangeFileExt(ExtractFileName(Application.ExeName),'.INI') end; IniFile:=TIniFile.Create(IniFileName); IniFile.EraseSection('FileHistory'); IniFile.WriteInteger('FileHistory','MaxFiles',MaxFiles); if (Menu <> nil) and (DividerPlace <> -1) then begin DividerPos:=DividerPlace; n:=DividerPos+1; while n < Menu.Count do begin IniFile.WriteString('FileHistory','File'+Chr(n+Ord('1')-1-DividerPos),Copy(Menu.Items[n].Caption,4,high(string))); inc(n); end; IniFile.Free; end; end; end; procedure TRecentFiles.LoadFromIniFile; var IniFile: TIniFile; n : integer; Name : string; begin if Menu <> nil then begin if IniFileName = '' then begin IniFileName:=ChangeFileExt(ExtractFileName(Application.ExeName),'.INI') end; IniFile:=TIniFile.Create(IniFileName); MaxFiles:=0; MaxFiles:=IniFile.ReadInteger('FileHistory','MaxFiles',MaxFiles); n:=1; while true do begin Name:=IniFile.ReadString('FileHistory','File'+Chr(n+Ord('1')-1),''); if Name = '' then begin Break; end; LatestFile:=Name; inc(n); end; end; end; constructor TRecentFiles.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin inherited Create(AOwner); FMaxFiles:=0; FMenu:=nil; Divider:=TMenuItem.Create(Self); Divider.Caption:='-'; end; procedure TRecentFiles.MenuOnClick(Sender: TObject); var Name: string; begin begin Name:=Copy(TMenuItem(Sender).Caption,4,high(string)); Click(Name); end; end; end.