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Real mode from windows

How to create real-mode low memory pointers. Contributor: LEOPOLDO SALDANHA {Here is the code I promised to sent you. It works nice. You can read any part of the real-mode low memory with it.} function allocRealModePointer(var P: pointer; Size: longInt): boolean; var Selector, base : word; LinearBase : longint; begin result := false; LinearBase := MakeLong(0,hiword(longint(p)) shr 12) + hiword(longint(P)) shl 4 + loword(longint(P)); {converts 20-bit address into a 32-bit one} {i.e. $ffff:0006 into $000ffff6} Selector := AllocSelector(DSeg); {Copies DSeg Selector properties } base := SetSelectorBase(Selector, LinearBase); SetSelectorLimit(Selector, Size); if (Selector <> 0) and (base<>0) then begin P := Ptr(Selector, 0); result := true; end; end; function freeRealModePointer(var p: pointer): boolean; var fr : Word; begin fr := FreeSelector(hiword(longint(p))); {seletor is at hiword(p)} if (fr=0) then begin {ok} p := nil; result := true; end else begin {fail} result := false; end; end; { code Test: The Rom-Bios' date is allways at $ffff:0005 (real-mode)} var P: pChar; begin P := Ptr($FFFF, $0005); {FFFF5 -> data da Rom-Bios} if AllocRealModePointer(Pointer(p), 8) then {8 chars to RomBios' date} begin { Use p to read ROM Bios' date here} FreeRealModePointer(Pointer(p)); {dispose p} end; end.