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Reading-writing rtf text to-from blob fields

I had to find out how to store RTF formatted text to blob fields, and how to retrieve it, retaining all the formatting. These should be generic enough to put in your function library... procedure SetRTFTextFromBlobField( dsData: TDataSet; const sField: string; reEdit: TRichEdit ); var oBS: TBlobStream; begin oBS := TBlobStream.Create(dsData.FieldByName(sField) as TBlobField, bmRead); try reEdit.Lines.LoadFromStream(oBS); finally oBS.Free; end; end; procedure SaveRTFTextToBlobField( dsData: TDataSet; const sField: string; reEdit: TRichEdit ); var oBS: TBlobStream; begin if not (dsData.State in [dsEdit, dsInsert]) then dsData.Edit; oBS := TBlobStream.Create(dsData.FieldByName(sField) as TBlobField, bmWrite); try reEdit.Lines.SaveToStream(oBS); dsData.Post; finally oBS.Free; end; end;