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Reading ini files

Hello Nick, That's way to use INI-files 1. Add the Inifile Unit to your interface uses-section 2. create a new unit with your INI-defaultvalues !!! 3. Use the OnCreate-event to read your INI-file procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender : TObject); var Ini : TInifile; begin Try Ini:=TInfile.Create(write the path and the name of your INI-file here); CheckBox1.Checked:=Ini.ReadBool('CheckBox','Checked',DefaultCheckBoxValue); MyString:=Ini.ReadString('MyString','Value',DefaultMyStringValue); ... Ini.Free; Except On Exception do MessageDLG('Can't read the INI-File',mtError,[mbOk],0); end;{Try/Except} end; 4. Create a new Form with an INI-Dialog with the standard dialog-elements Use the OnClick-event of your OkBtn to write to your INI-file procedure TIniForm.OkBtnClick(Sender : TObject); var Ini : TIniFile; begin Try Ini:=TInfile.Create(write the path and the name of your INI-file here); Ini.WriteBool('CheckBox','Checked',CheckBox1.Checked); Ini.ReadString('MyString','Value',MyString); ... Ini.Free; Except On Exception do MessageDLG('Can't read the INI-File',mtError,[mbOk],0); end;{Try/Except} end;