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Reading a whole section from an inifile

How to read a whole section from an INI file. [Script] 1000=DoSomething,1,2 1000=DoSomethingElse,3,4 When using TIniFile.ReadSectionValues only one of these items will be returned. Here is a procedure which will read the whole section. procedure ReadWholeIniSection(FileName: string; SectionName: string; Strings: TStrings); var P: PChar; Buffer: PChar; BufferSize: Integer; begin Strings.BeginUpdate; BufferSize := 10 * 1024 * 1024; GetMem(Buffer, BufferSize); try BufferSize := GetPrivateProfileSection(PChar(SectionName), Buffer, BufferSize, PChar(FileName)); if BufferSize = 0 then Exit; P := Buffer; while P^ <> #0 do begin Strings.Add(P); Inc(P, StrLen(P) + 1); end; finally Strings.EndUpdate; if Assigned(Buffer) then FreeMem(Buffer); end; end;