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Read and write IO ports

Title: Read and write IO ports Question: Answer: With Delphi 1 you could write and read the ports via the global array 'ports'. This is not longer valid with '32-bit' Delphi. These two functions can be used within every delphi version: function InPort(PortAddr:word): byte; {$IFDEF WIN32} assembler; stdcall; asm mov dx,PortAddr in al,dx end; {$ELSE} begin Result := Port[PortAddr]; end; {$ENDIF} procedure OutPort(PortAddr: word; Databyte: byte); {$IFDEF WIN32} assembler; stdcall; asm mov al,Databyte mov dx,PortAddr out dx,al end; {$ELSE} begin Port[PortAddr] := DataByte; end; {$ENDIF}