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Ras [remote access] api header for delph

Version 1.1 Converted to Delphi by Davide Moretti <> Feel free to use this code, but, please let me know that you are using it... History ------- Version 1.0: Initial release Version 1.01: Replaced library index number with names to make it run with Windows NT. Thanks to Thom Randolph <> for reporting and fixing this. Version 1.1: Added the Extended Ras API functions. These functions can manipulate the entries directly. They are found on Windows NT 4.0 and can be used also on Windows 95 using a special library (RNAPH.DLL) that is available at Note that in the example code I used only two of them (lack of time) but there are more functions available. Thanks to Gideon le Grange <> for sending me the new API information and a Delphi translation of them. Please read the Ras.pas comments about the future merge of rnaph.dll into rasapi32.dll