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Quick and easy registry explorer

procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin //adds the 4 main Registry keys for user to select to explore the registry. TreeView1.Items.Add(nil,'HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\'); TreeView1.Items.Add(nil,'HKEY_CURRENT_USER\'); TreeView1.Items.Add(nil,'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\'); TreeView1.Items.Add(nil,'HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG\'); end; procedure TForm1.TreeView1Click(Sender: TObject); begin //used to get subkeys of a seleced node to display. GetSubKeys(TreeView1.Selected); end; procedure TForm1.GetSubKeys( tnSub: TTreeNode); var slkeys: TStringList; //string list to hold subkeys of main key i: Integer; //used to incroment trough string list. tnKey: TTreeNode; //tree node to find parent node begin with TRegistry.Create do try tnKey:=tnSub; while tnKey.Level >0 do // loop to find parent tnkey:=tnKey.Parent; //parent node found //check to find what Key the parent is from and assign it to the //registry component to open. if tnkey.Text ='HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\' then RootKey := HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT else if tnkey.Text ='HKEY_CURRENT_USER\' then RootKey := HKEY_CURRENT_USER else if tnkey.Text ='HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\' then RootKey := HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE else if tnkey.Text ='HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG\' then RootKey := HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG; if tnSub.Level=0 then // if parent node is selected then get subkeys OpenKey( '',false ) else OpenKey( tnSub.Text,false );//if subnode selected then get subkeys of subnode slKeys := TStringList.Create; try GetKeynames(slkeys); //gets the subkey names of the open parent key. CloseKey; TreeView1.Items.EndUpdate;//used to cut down time in display alot of node for i := 0 to slKeys.Count - 1 do begin if tnSub.Level=0 then begin //add subkeys of main keys to tree node. TreeView1.items.AddChild(tnSub,slKeys[i]+'\') ; end else //add subkeys of registry to tree node TreeView1.items.AddChild(tnSub,tnSub.Text+ slKeys[i]+'\') end; TreeView1.Items.BeginUpdate;//turn on to display nodes finally slkeys.Free end; finally Free; end; end;