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Query Activator

Title: Query Activator Question: If we forget to activate all the necessary TQueris at design time, it results in errors during execution: Cannot perform operation on closed dataset. Answer: We frequently make the dataset inactive during design and foreget to make it active again, which results in error during execution. To overcome this, I developed TQueryActivator and TEnhQuery and just activate the QueryActivator to make all the registered EnhQueries active. You can have more than one TQueryActivator on a form and activate/deactivate at appropriate instances. You can register more than one Query to a ueryActivator. This can be enhanced to append, edit, save / applyupdates to a group of Queries,in a loop.Let me work on that. The components get installed in Enh_Db pallet. Here is the source for TQueryActivator and TEnhQuery..Enjoy. //================================================================ unit QueryActivator; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, DBTables, DB ; type TQueryActivator = class(TComponent) private { Private declarations } pQueries: TList; bActive: Boolean; procedure SetActive(bValue: Boolean); protected { Protected declarations } public { Public declarations } constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; destructor Destroy; override; procedure RegisterQuery(pValue: TQuery); procedure UnregisterQuery(pValue: TQuery); published { Published declarations } property Active: Boolean read bActive write SetActive; end; procedure Register; implementation uses Enh_Query ; //******** constructor TQueryActivator.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin inherited; pQueries := TList.Create; bActive := False ; //bConnected := True; end; destructor TQueryActivator.Destroy; var i: integer; begin pQueries.Free; inherited; end; procedure TQueryActivator.RegisterQuery(pValue: TQuery); begin if(not (pValue is TEnh_Query))then exit; if(pQueries.IndexOf(pValue) = -1)then begin pValue.CachedUpdates := True; pQueries.Add(pValue); end; end; procedure TQueryActivator.UnregisterQuery(pValue: TQuery); var i: integer; begin if(not (pValue is TEnh_Query))then exit; i := pQueries.IndexOf(pValue); if(i -1)then pQueries.Delete(i) else raise Exception.Create('The Enh_Query ' + pValue.Name + ' not found in the managed query list.'); end; Procedure TQueryActivator.SetActive(bValue: Boolean); var i : smallint ; begin bActive := bValue; for i:=0 to pQueries.Count-1 do if bValue then TEnh_Query(pQueries.Items[i]).Active := bValue; {if(Assigned(pOpenTables))then pOpenTables;} end; //******** procedure Register; begin RegisterComponents('Enh_DB', [TQueryActivator]); end; end. //========================================================================== //Code For TEnhQuery //========================================================================== unit Enh_Query; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, Db, DBTables, QueryActivator; type TEnh_Query = class(TQuery) private { Private declarations } pActivator: TQueryActivator; procedure SetActivator(pValue: TQueryActivator); protected { Protected declarations } public { Public declarations } published { Published declarations } Property QueryActivator: TQueryActivator read pActivator write SetActivator; end; procedure Register; implementation //**************** procedure TEnh_Query.SetActivator(pValue: TQueryActivator); begin if(pActivator pValue)then begin if(pActivator NIL)then pActivator.UnregisterQuery(self); pActivator := pValue; if(pActivator NIL)then begin pActivator.RegisterQuery(self); Active := QueryActivator.Active; end; end; end; //**************** procedure Register; begin RegisterComponents('Enh_DB', [TEnh_Query]); end; end.