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ProtectAction for RichEdit

Title: ProtectAction for RichEdit Question: This will add the RichEditProtect to the standard actions list for an actionlist, similar to RichEditBold. Allows you to protect text from changes in a TRichEdit. Answer: unit RICHACT; {Rich Edit Actions} interface uses ActnList ,StdCtrls ,ComCtrls ,ExtActns ; type TRichEditProtect = class(TRichEditAction) public procedure ExecuteTarget(Target: TObject); override; procedure UpdateTarget(Target: TObject); override; end; procedure Register; implementation procedure Register; begin RegisterActions('Formatt' ,[ TRichEditProtect ] ,nil); end; { TRichEditProtect } procedure TRichEditProtect.ExecuteTarget(Target: TObject); begin if Target is TCustomRichEdit then CurrText(Target as TCustomRichEdit).Protected:=true; end; procedure TRichEditProtect.UpdateTarget(Target: TObject); begin Enabled := Target is TCustomRichEdit; Checked := Enabled and (CurrText(Target as TCustomRichEdit).Protected); end; end. "RegisterActions" is only available in the IDE, so you'll need to create a new "package" (under Component/Install Packages/New) and add this unit to it. Once installed, the item will appear in the "New Standard Actions" list for action lists.