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Subject: RE: Trial versions Raigo, Check out CyberBolt: I've never used it, but that's what it's for (time-limited demos, etc.) Steve Helgeson Lamplighter Software -----Original Message----- From: []On Behalf Of Lukk Raigo Sent: Monday, March 22, 1999 2:49 PM To: Subject: Trial versions Hi The company I work for wants to create trial versions of some of our Delphi applications. I have seen these kind of trial Delphi applications. But how to do it? Has any of you done it? We agreed that best would leave the application as it is, and give it some limitation of time like 60 days or whatever. I have had quite many trial CDs most of them work for limited time and after the time passes they won't run. Reinstalling wont put it to work. Setting back calendar won't work. So nothing seems to work. I would appreciate any kind of feedback of doing something like this. Thanks From: Richard Ebbs <> To: Lukk Raigo <> Subject: Trial versions Hi Lukk In response to your query: > How to do it? (Delphi Trial versions)... I recently played with coding a time-limitation into a program. So these ideas are more or less my own... what I did was to get the current date (from within the program installation routine) and then ENCRYPT the current date, and write it to file as a 'psuedo' .DLL file in the Windows directory. Then each time the actual program is run more or less the first thing it does is to UNENCRYPT the date in that file, compare it against 'now' and if the difference is greater than 'install_date plus 30' then terminate the program and inform the user... I'll leave the string encryption to you (could be a simple 'shifting' of ASCII codes, or could involve XORing, which may be better...) so, in your installation program you need to get the Windows directory: const SFName = 'youNameIt.dll'; trialLen = 30; trialLenStr = '30 day'; function TInstallForm.GetWindowsDir: String; {here we use a call to the Windows API function GetWindowsDirectory() to find out the FULL PATH NAME (including the drive) of the Windows directory...} const {not really used but we COULD check that the directory name is less than 100 characters in length...} maxDirNameLen = 100; var dirName: array[0..maxDirNameLen] of char; begin GetWindowsDirectory(dirName, sizeof(dirName)); Result := String(dirName); end; then hand the result of proc above to a procedure something like this: procedure TInstallForm.WriteToDLL(longWinName: String); var SF: TextFile; currDate, instDate, outFileName: String; fileOpenOK: Boolean; begin fileOpenOK := True; outFileName := longWinName + '\' + SFName; AssignFile(SF, outFileName); try {to open destination file} reWrite(SF); try {get the current date, in String format...} currDate := DateToStr(Date); {the encryption up to you} currDate := EnCrypt(currDate); {write the inst date to file...} WriteLn(SF, currDate); finally closefile(SF); end; except on E: EInOutError do begin MessageDlg('Error reading or writing startup file:' + #13 + GetError(E.ErrorCode)+'.', mterror,[mbOK], 0); end end; {trying to open destination file} end; note that we don't check for the pre-existence of the fake .DLL file (although it might be useful to do that...) so now you've got an encrypted installation date on disc, the next thing is to include IN YOUR ACTUAL PROGRAM a routine to read that encrypted date, unencrypt it, and do the comparison: something like this: procedure TEditorForm.ReadFromDLL; const dirNameLen = 100; var winDirName, troutName, dateStr, tempString: String; dirName: array[0..dirNameLen] of Char; troutFile: TextFile; today, dayOfInst, dateDiff: TDateTime; pastSellByDate: Boolean; {year, month, day: Word;} begin pastSellByDate := False; GetWindowsDirectory(dirName, dirNameLen); winDirName := String(dirName); troutName := winDirName + '\youNameIt.dll'; AssignFile(troutFile, troutName); try {to open source file} reSet(troutFile); try ReadLn(troutFile, dateStr); finally closefile(troutFile) end; {putting source file data into memory} except on E: EInOutError do begin tempString := 'Could not open required initialisation file. Aborting Program'; Application.MessageBox(PChar(tempString), ' Missing Startup File', mb_OK); end end; {trying to open source file} today := Date; {leave the UNencryption to you} dateStr := UnEncrypt(dateStr); dayOfInst := StrToDate(dateStr); dateDiff := (today - dayOfInst); if (dateDiff > trialLen) then pastSellByDate := True; if (pastSellByDate = True) then begin tempString := 'Your ' + trialLenStr + ' trial period has expired. Sorry!'; Application.MessageBox(PChar(tempString), ' Past Expiry Date', mb_OK); Application.Terminate; end; end; PS if you're worried about anyone 'hacking' your application such that they amend or remove routines like this it may be a good idea to do the opposite of what I was taught at college ie -give all of these routines/variables etc totally obscure names so that a hacker can't easily home in on a string that says 'UnEncrypt()' or whatever... Hope this is useful Richard Ebbs