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Progress LED

Title: Progress LED Question: A nice alternative to TProgressbar Answer: There is a ressourcefile necessary for this component. You can download all needed files from ----------------------------------------------------------------- unit ProgLED; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls; const LEDsMax = 50; type TLEDSize = (lsSmall, lsMedium, lsLarge); TLEDDirection = (ldVertical, ldHorizontal); TLEDOrder = (loRYG, loGYR); TLEDLabelStyle = (llsValue, llsPercent); TProgressLED = class(TCustomControl) private { Private-Deklarationen } FLEDSize : TLEDSize; FLEDs : Word; FPRY, FPYG : Byte; FValue, FMin, FMax : Integer; FDirection : TLEDDirection; FOrder : TLEDOrder; FColor : TColor; FInvert : Boolean; FLabel : TLabel; FLabelStyle : TLEDLabelStyle; FBWidth : Byte; FEnabled : Boolean; PRY, PYG : Byte; RotEin, RotAus, RotDis, GruenEin, GruenAus, GruenDis, GelbEin, GelbAus, GelbDis : TBitmap; procedure LoadLEDs; procedure CalcRanges; function GetLED (Value : Integer) : Word; procedure SetSize; procedure ShowValue; procedure SetLEDs (Count : Word); procedure SetLEDSize (S : TLEDSize); procedure SetPRY (Prozent : Byte); procedure SetPYG (Prozent : Byte); procedure SetMin (Wert : Integer); procedure SetMax (Wert : Integer); procedure SetValue (Wert : Integer); procedure SetDirection (Dir : TLEDDirection); procedure SetColor (C : TColor); procedure SetInvert (I : Boolean); procedure SetLabel (L : TLabel); procedure SetLabelStyle (S : TLEDLabelStyle); procedure SetBorderWidth (W : Byte); procedure SetEnabled (E : Boolean); protected { Protected-Deklarationen } public { Public-Deklarationen } constructor Create (AOwner : TComponent); override; destructor Destroy; override; procedure Paint; override; published { Published-Deklarationen } property LEDs : Word read FLEDs write SetLEDs; property LEDSize : TLEDSize read FLEDSize write SetLEDSize; property WrapPR2Y : Byte read FPRY write SetPRY; property WrapPY2G : Byte read FPYG write SetPYG; property MinValue : Integer read FMin write SetMin; property MaxValue : Integer read FMax write SetMax; property Value : Integer read FValue write SetValue; property Direction : TLEDDirection read FDirection write SetDirection; property Color : TColor read FColor write SetColor; property Invert : Boolean read FInvert write SetInvert; property ValueLabel : TLabel read FLabel write SetLabel; property LabelStyle : TLEDLabelStyle read FLabelStyle write SetLabelStyle; property BorderWidth : Byte read FBWidth write SetBorderWidth; property Enabled : Boolean read FEnabled write SetEnabled; end; procedure Register; implementation {$R ProgLED.res} procedure Register; begin RegisterComponents('GBit', [TProgressLED]); end; constructor TProgressLED.Create; begin inherited; ControlStyle := [csSetCaption, csOpaque, csFixedWidth, csFixedHeight, csNoStdEvents]; Color := clBlack; FLEDSize := lsMedium; FOrder := loRYG; FDirection := ldHorizontal; FLabelStyle := llsValue; FBWidth := 1; FEnabled := True; RotEin := TBitmap.Create; RotAus := TBitmap.Create; RotDis := TBitmap.Create; GruenEin := TBitmap.Create; GruenAus := TBitmap.Create; GruenDis := TBitmap.Create; GelbEin := TBitmap.Create; GelbAus := TBitmap.Create; GelbDis := TBitmap.Create; FMin := 0; FMax := 100; FValue := 0; FPRY := 50; FPYG := 75; LoadLEDs; LEDs := 10; CalcRanges; end; destructor TProgressLED.Destroy; begin RotEin.Destroy; RotAus.Destroy; RotDis.Destroy; GruenEin.Destroy; GruenAus.Destroy; GruenDis.Destroy; GelbEin.Destroy; GelbAus.Destroy; GelbDis.Destroy; inherited; end; procedure TProgressLED.LoadLEDs; var Prefix : String; begin case FLEDSize of lsSmall : Prefix := 'S'; lsMedium : Prefix := 'M'; lsLarge : Prefix := 'L'; end; RotEin.LoadFromResourceName (HInstance, Prefix + 'REin'); RotAus.LoadFromResourceName (HInstance, Prefix + 'RAus'); RotDis.LoadFromResourceName (HInstance, Prefix + 'RDis'); GruenEin.LoadFromResourceName (HInstance, Prefix + 'GEin'); GruenAus.LoadFromResourceName (HInstance, Prefix + 'GAus'); GruenDis.LoadFromResourceName (HInstance, Prefix + 'GDis'); GelbEin.LoadFromResourceName (HInstance, Prefix + 'YEin'); GelbAus.LoadFromResourceName (HInstance, Prefix + 'YAus'); GelbDis.LoadFromResourceName (HInstance, Prefix + 'YDis'); end; procedure TProgressLED.Paint; var i : Word; LED : TBitmap; begin with Canvas do begin Brush.Color := Color; for i := 0 to FBWidth-1 do FrameRect (Rect (i, i, Width-i, Height-i)); for i := 1 to LEDs do begin // Berechnung der Farbe if i if GetLED (FValue) if FInvert then if FEnabled then LED := GruenAus else LED := GruenDis else if FEnabled then LED := RotAus else LED := RotDis else if FInvert then if FEnabled then LED := GruenEin else LED := GruenDis else if FEnabled then LED := RotEin else LED := RotDis end else if i if GetLED (FValue) if FEnabled then LED := GelbAus else LED := GelbDis else if FEnabled then LED := GelbEin else LED := GelbDis end else begin if GetLED (FValue) if FInvert then if FEnabled then LED := RotAus else LED := RotDis else if FEnabled then LED := GruenAus else LED := GruenDis else if FInvert then if FEnabled then LED := RotEin else LED := RotDis else if FEnabled then LED := GruenEin else LED := GruenDis end; case FDirection of ldVertical : Draw (FBWidth, FBWidth + (LEDs-i)*LED.Height, LED); ldHorizontal : Draw (FBWidth + (i-1)*LED.Width, FBWidth, LED); end; end; end; ShowValue; end; procedure TProgressLED.SetLEDs; begin if count = FLEDs then exit; if count LEDsMax then count := LEDsMax; if count count := 1; FLEDs := count; CalcRanges; SetSize; end; procedure TProgressLED.SetSize; begin case FDirection of ldHorizontal : SetBounds (Left, Top, FLEDs*RotEin.Width + 2*FBWidth, RotEin.Height + 2 * FBWidth); ldVertical : SetBounds (Left, Top, RotEin.Width + 2*FBWidth, FLEDs*RotEin.Height + 2 * FBWidth); end; end; procedure TProgressLED.SetPRY; begin if Prozent = FPRY then exit; if Prozent 100 then exit; FPRY := Prozent; CalcRanges; Invalidate; end; procedure TProgressLED.SetPYG; begin if Prozent = FPYG then exit; if Prozent 100 then exit; FPYG := Prozent; CalcRanges; Invalidate; end; procedure TProgressLED.SetMin; begin if Wert = FMin then exit; FMin := Wert; if Wert = MaxValue then MaxValue := Wert+1; if FValue FValue := Wert; CalcRanges; Invalidate; end; procedure TProgressLED.SetMax; begin if Wert = FMax then exit; FMax := Wert; if Wert MinValue := Wert-1; if FValue Wert then FValue := Wert; CalcRanges; Invalidate; end; procedure TProgressLED.SetValue; begin if Wert = FValue then exit; if (Wert MaxValue) then exit; FValue := Wert; Invalidate; end; procedure TProgressLED.CalcRanges; var Range : Integer; begin Range := Abs (FMax - FMin); PRY := GetLED (Round (FMin + (Range / 100 * FPRY))); PYG := GetLED (Round (FMin + (Range / 100 * FPYG))); end; procedure TProgressLED.SetDirection; begin if Dir = FDirection then exit; FDirection := Dir; SetSize; end; procedure TProgressLED.SetColor; begin if C = FColor then exit; FColor := C; Refresh; end; function TProgressLED.GetLED; var Range : Integer; begin Range := ABS (FMax - FMin); Value := Value - FMin; Result := Round ((FLEDs / Range) * Value); end; procedure TProgressLED.SetInvert; begin if I = FInvert then exit; FInvert := I; Invalidate; end; procedure TProgressLED.SetLEDSize; begin if S = FLEDSize then exit; FLEDSize := S; LoadLEDs; SetSize; end; procedure TProgressLED.SetLabel; begin if Assigned (FLabel) then FLabel.Caption := ''; FLabel := L; ShowValue; end; procedure TProgressLED.ShowValue; var Range : Integer; Valu : Integer; begin Range := ABS (FMax - FMin); Valu := FValue - FMin; if Assigned (FLabel) then begin case FLabelStyle of llsValue : FLabel.Caption := IntToStr (FValue); llsPercent : FLabel.Caption := IntToStr (Round (100/Range*Valu))+'%'; end; end; end; procedure TProgressLED.SetLabelStyle; begin if S = FLabelStyle then exit; FLabelStyle := S; ShowValue; end; procedure TProgressLED.SetBorderWidth; begin if W = FBWidth then exit; FBWidth := W; SetSize; end; procedure TProgressLED.SetEnabled; begin if E = FEnabled then exit; FEnabled := E; Invalidate; end; end.