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Programmatically run programs on windows

It's easy enough to drag and drop your application to the Startup group to make it run on Windows startup. But, if you wanted to do this programmatically (at the end of your setup program for example), or if you wanted to make your program run only the next time Windows start, following function might come in handy: procedure RunOnStartup( sProgTitle, sCmdLine : string; bRunOnce : boolean ); var sKey : string; reg : TRegIniFile; begin if( bRunOnce )then sKey := 'Once' else sKey := ''; reg := TRegIniFile.Create( '' ); reg.RootKey := HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE; reg.WriteString( 'Software\Microsoft' + '\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run' + sKey + #0, sProgTitle, sCmdLine ); reg.Free; end; Usage: sProgTitle Name of your program. Generally speaking, this could be anything you want. sCmdLine This is the full path name to your executable program. bRunOnce Set this to True if you want to run your program just once. If this parameter is False, your program will be executed every time Windows startsup. Example: RunOnStartup( 'Title of my program', 'MyProg.exe', False );