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Programmatically logoff a user, shutdown or reboot

If your program needs to programmatically logoff a user, shutdown or reboot the computer, then you may use the following function with the appropriate parameter: WinExit(EWX_LOGOFF); // one of these 3 only :-) WinExit(EWX_REBOOT); WinExit(EWX_SHUTDOWN); See the source for the flags EWX_POWEROFF and EWX_FORCE. The function SetPrivilege() is a necessary helper function. The other document referenced at the top in the See-Also section is a slight modification of this code snippet, but it works basically the same way. function SetPrivilege (sPrivilegeName: string; bEnabled: Boolean) : Boolean; var TPPrev, TP : TTokenPrivileges; Token : THandle; dwRetLen : DWORD; begin result := False; OpenProcessToken (GetCurrentProcess, TOKEN_ADJUST_PRIVILEGES or TOKEN_QUERY, @Token); TP.PrivilegeCount := 1; if LookupPrivilegeValue (nil, PChar (sPrivilegeName), TP.Privileges[0].LUID) then begin if bEnabled then TP.Privileges[0].Attributes := SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED else TP.Privileges[0].Attributes := 0; dwRetLen := 0; result := AdjustTokenPrivileges (Token, False, TP, SizeOf (TPPrev), TPPrev, dwRetLen) end; CloseHandle (Token) end; // // iFlags: // // one of the following must be // specified // // EWX_LOGOFF // EWX_REBOOT // EWX_SHUTDOWN // // following attributes may be // combined with above flags // // EWX_POWEROFF // EWX_FORCE : terminate processes // function WinExit (iFlags: integer) : Boolean; begin result := true; if SetPrivilege ('SeShutdownPrivilege', true) then begin if (not ExitWindowsEx (iFlags, 0)) then begin // handle errors... result := False end; SetPrivilege ('SeShutdownPrivilege', False) end else begin // handle errors... result := False end end;