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Progmatically detect which version of ado is installed

With different versions of MDAC available it is sometimes useful to know that your application won't fail because a user hasn't got the latest version installed The following function returns the ADO version installed, you need to place ComObj in the uses clause to use this function. function GetADOVersion: Double; var ADO: Variant; begin try ADO := CreateOLEObject('adodb.connection'); Result := StrToFloat(ADO.Version); ADO := Null; except Result := 0.0; end; end; To use this function try something like: procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); const ADOVersionNeeded = 2.5; begin if GetADOVersion < ADOVersionNeeded then ShowMessage('Need to install MDAC version 2.7') else ShowMessage(Format('ADO Version %n, is OK', [GetADOVersion])); end;