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Paul, > Thanks for your reply Harley. You're welcome. > I do use CreateProcess. > I was wondering if anyone has had experience in using > EnumThreadWindows to track all of the windows that were > loaded using the process. Here's sample code that puts the text/caption and class name of the windows owned by the current thread in a memo: function MyEnumThreadWndProc(aHWND: HWND; aParam: LongInt): Boolean; stdcall; // <- IMPORTANT var lTempLength: Integer; lTempText: String; lTempClass: String; begin lTempLength := GetWindowTextLength(aHWND)+1; if lTempLength > 1 then begin SetLength(lTempText, lTempLength); GetWindowText(aHWND, PChar(lTempText), lTempLength); SetLength(lTempText, lTempLength-1); SetLength(lTempClass, 255); if GetClassName(aHWND, PChar(lTempClass), 255) <> 0 then lTempClass := 'Class not found'; TMemo(aParam).Lines.Add(lTempText + ': ' + lTempClass); end; result := True; // <- IMPORTANT end; procedure TForm1.Button7Click(Sender: TObject); begin Memo2.Lines.Clear; EnumThreadWindows(GetCurrentThreadId, @MyEnumThreadWndProc, LongInt(Memo2)); end; I would assume you can use the dwThreadId field of the PROCESS_INFORMATION structure returned by CreateProcess in place of GetCurrentThreadId in the example above to get what you're looking for. > Any help would be greatly appreciated. I can't find any > reference to this in the Delphi 5 help. Typing EnumThreadWindows in the Delphi editor and hitting F1 gets the help for me. Hope this helps, Harley Pebley ************************************************************************************* > I was looking > at the posts and came across one about stopping 2 or more copies of a > program being loaded at the same time. A much better way of doing this is: The following was posted to this list by Bjarne a while ago: ***************** START PROJECT FILE EXAMPLE **************** program Project1; uses Forms, Windows, // necessary for the THandle and CreateMutex Unit1 in 'Unit1.pas' {Form1}; {$R *.RES} var AppMutex : THandle; begin AppMutex := CreateMutex(nil, true, 'MY_APP_MUTEX_NAME'); if GetLastError <> ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS then begin Application.Initialize; Application.CreateForm(TForm1, Form1); Application.Run; end; end. ***************** END PROJECT FILE EXAMPLE **************** Regards, Anthony Richardson Sage Automation _______________________________________________ Delphi mailing list -> ************************************************************************** [KILL NETWORK PROCESS] > I need to check to see if a process is still running by using the process > id. Then I will need to check if a process is running on a remote compoute > on the network. > Does anyone have an idea on how to do this or where I can look for > information on doing this? Richard, This routine, courtesy of Richard Watson, may help you: procedure KillIfPreviousInstance(cAppName: string); var hWndHandle: integer; hPopup: HWND; MyClassName: string; begin SetLength(MyClassName, 255); GetClassName(Application.Handle, PChar(MyClassName), 255); hWndHandle := FindWindow(PChar(MyClassName), PChar(cAppName)); if hWndHandle <> 0 then begin ShowMessage('An instance of this application is already loaded and will be activated.'#13#10 + 'Look on the Start Bar or Icon Tray.'); hPopup := GetLastActivePopup(hWndHandle); if IsIconic(hPopup) then ShowWindow(hPopup, SW_RESTORE); SetForeGroundWindow(GetTopWindow(hPopup)); Halt(0); end; { if } end; Jerry *********************************************************************************** {---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Description : attempts to exetute an application. Returns True if succeeds Parameters : FileName : app's full path Params : command line parameters iCmdShow : desired starting visibility for the app dwWait : wait or not for the app to finish its job - see Notes Error checking : YES Target : Delphi 2, 3, 4 Example call : btCreateProcess('C:\WINDOWS\NOTEPAD.EXE', SW_SHOW, W_NOT) Author : Theo Bebekis, <> Notes : 1. Define these constants to use it with the iWait parameter const W_NOT = 0; W_INFINITE = 1; W_PROCESSING = 2; if the dwWait is different than the above integer the function waits dwWait milliseconds for the app to finish what is doing 2. uses Windows, SysUtils, Forms 3. If you call the function with W_PROCESSING you'll not be able to terminate the calling application while the invoked application is still running. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------} function btCreateProcess(const FileName, Params: string; iCmdShow: integer; dwWait: DWORD): boolean; const W_NOT = 0; W_INFINITE = 1; W_PROCESSING = 2; var pCmdLine : array[0..2 * MAX_PATH - 1] of char; SI : TStartupInfo; PI : TProcessInformation; iStatus : DWORD ; begin Result := False; { check for apps existence } if not FileExists(FileName) then raise Exception.CreateFmt('Unable to find %s', [ExtractFileName(FileName)]); StrPCopy(pCmdLine, FileName + ' ' + Params); { prepare the TStartupInfo structure appropriately } FillChar(SI, SizeOf(SI), #0); SI.cb := SizeOf(SI); SI.dwFlags := STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW; { need to set this in order to set wShowWindow } SI.wShowWindow := iCmdShow; Result := CreateProcess(nil, pCmdLine, nil, nil, False, NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS, nil, nil, SI, PI); if not Result then {$IFDEF VER90} { Delphi 2.0 } raise Exception.Create('CreateProcess failed'); {$ELSE} { Delphi 2 up } Win32Check(Result); {$ENDIF} { wait status } case dwWait of W_NOT : { do not wait }; W_INFINITE : WaitForSingleObject(PI.hProcess, INFINITE); W_PROCESSING : begin WaitForSingleObject(PI.hProcess, 50); GetExitCodeProcess(PI.hProcess, iStatus); while (iStatus = STILL_ACTIVE) do begin Application.ProcessMessages; WaitForSingleObject(PI.hProcess, 50); GetExitCodeProcess(PI.hProcess, iStatus); end; end; else WaitForSingleObject(PI.hProcess, dwWait); end; { close the handles Kernel objects, like the process we have created in this case, are maintained by a usage count. For cleaning up purposes we have to close the handles to inform the system that we don't need the objects anymore } CloseHandle(PI.hProcess); CloseHandle(PI.hThread ); end; ----------------------------------- Theo Bebekis Thessaloniki, Greece