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Printing sideways text

This is how I have solved the problem: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure TextOutVertical(var bitmap: TBitmap; x, y: Integer; s: String); var b1, b2: TBitmap; i, j: Integer; begin with bitmap.Canvas do begin b1 := TBitmap.Create; b1.Canvas.Font := lpYhFont; b1.Width := TextWidth(s) + 1; b1.Height := TextHeight(s) + 1; b1.Canvas.TextOut(1, 1, s); b2 := TPackedBitmap.Create; b2.Width := TextHeight(s); b2.Height := TextWidth(s); for i := 0 to b1.Width - 1 do for j := 0 to b1.Height do b2.Canvas.Pixels[j, b2.Height + 1 - i] := b1.Canvas.Pixels[i, j]; Draw(x, y, b2); b1.Free; b2.Free; end end;