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Playing with style Part 1

Title: Playing with style - Part 1 Question: I like the flat style buttons in the Delphi3000 web pages. How do I get that style? Answer: Searching the Windows documentation I found that Microsoft added a flat style to button derived class, but this style is not include in the Delphi ones: for some reason the buttons in the Delphi VCL are strictly 3D and, as far I can see, there is no property to 'flatten' the buttons (even the legacy Ctl3D property has no effect on TButtons). The style in question is the BS_FLAT style. Changing the style of a button derived class (buttons, check boxes, radio buttons and group boxes) will change the graphical appearance of that control. Try this: procedure Flatten(theControl: TWinControl); var dwStyle: Longint; begin dwStyle := GetWindowLong(theControl.handle, GWL_STYLE) or BS_FLAT; SetWindowLong(theControl.Handle, GWL_STYLE, dwStyle); end; The control you can pass to this procedure can be a Button, a CheckBox or a RadioButton. Passing a GroupBox will not give any result because, oddly enough, the window class underlying the implementation of a group box is not a button class. In this case the legacy property Ctld3D will work! To sharpen things down you can derive a class form the TButton, TCheckBox or TRadioButton and add the BS_FLAT style upon creation. This is the code I used to obtain a flat button: unit FlatButton; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls; type TFlatButton = class(TButton) private { Private declarations } protected { Protected declarations } procedure CreateParams(var Params: TCreateParams); override; public { Public declarations } published { Published declarations } end; procedure Register; implementation procedure Register; begin RegisterComponents('Bigpepe', [TFlatButton]); end; { TFlatButton } procedure TFlatButton.CreateParams(var Params: TCreateParams); begin inherited; Params.Style := Params.Style or BS_FLAT; end; end. If you want a flat checkbox or a flat radio button, simply change the base class (and the name of the derived one) to TCheckBox and TRadioButton respectively. Enjoy!